Mathematical Modelling of Particle Movement Ahead of the Solid-liquid Interface in Continuous Castin

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaojiaoechou
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Whether the particle will be trapped by the solid-liquid interface or not is dependent on its moving behavior ahead of the interface, so a mathematical model has been developed to investigate the movement of the particle ahead of the solid-liquid interface. Based on the theory for the boundary layer, the fluid velocity field near the solid-liquid interface was obtained, and the trajectories of particles were calculated by the equations of motion for particles. In this model, the drag force, the added mass force, the buoyance force, the gravitational force, the Saffman force and the Basset history force are considered. The results show that the behavior of the particle ahead of the solid-liquid interface is affected by the physical property of the particle and fluid flow. And in the continuous casting process, if it moves in the stream directed upward or downward near vertical solid-liquid interface or in the horizontal flow under the solid-liquid interface, the particle with the diameter from 5 (u)m to 6 Whether the particle will be trapped by the solid-liquid interface or not is dependent on its moving behavior ahead of the interface, so a mathematical model has been developed to investigate the movement of the particle ahead of the solid-liquid interface. Based on the the theory for the boundary layer, the fluid velocity field near the solid-liquid interface was obtained, and the trajectories of particles were calculated by the equations of motion for particles. In this model, the drag force, the added mass force, the buoyance force , the gravitational force, the Saffman force and the Basset history force are considered. The results show that the behavior of the particle ahead of the solid-liquid interface is affected by the physical property of the particle and fluid flow. And in the continuous casting process, if it moves in the stream directed upward or downward near vertical solid-liquid interface or in the horizontal flow under the solid-liquid interface, the particle with the diamet er from 5 (u) m to 6
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