Improved method to determine the molar volume and compositions of the NaCl-H_2O-CO_2 system inclusio

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BBP
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On the basis of Parry’s method (1986), an improved method was established to determine the molar volume (Vm) and compositions (X) of the NaCl-H2O-CO2 (NHC) system inclusion. To use this method, the determination of Vm-X only requires three microthermometric data of a NHC inclusion: partial homog-enization temperature (Th ,CO2), salinity (S) and total homogenization temperature (Th). Theoretically, four associated equations are needed containing four unknown parameters: X CO2, XNaCl, Vm and F (volume fraction of CO2 phase in total inclusion when occurring partial homogenization). When they are released, the Vm-X are determined. The former three equations, only correlated with Th ,CO2, S and F, have simplified expressions:XCO2=f1(Th,CO2,S,F),XNaCl=f2(Th,CO2,S,F),Vm=f3(Th,CO2,S,F). The last one is the thermodynamic relationship of X CO2, XNaCl, Vm and Th:f4(XCO2,XNaCl,Vm,Th)=0.Since the above four associated equations are complicated, it is necessary to adopt iterative technique to release them. The technique can be described by:(i) Freely input a F value (0≤F≤1),with Th ,CO2 and S, into the former three equations. As a result,X CO 2,XNaCl and the molar volume value recorded as Vm1 are derived. (ii) Input the X CO2 and XNaCl gotten in the step above into the last equation, and another molar volume value recorded as Vm2 is determined. (iii) If Vm1 is unequal to Vm2, the calculation will be restarted from “(i)”. The iteration is completed until Vm1 is equal to Vm2, which means that the four associated equations are released. Compared to Parry’s (1986) solution method, the improved method is more convenient to use, as well as more accurate to determine X CO 2. It is available for a NHC inlusion whose partial homogenization temperature is higher than clatherate melting temperature and there are no solid salt crystals in the inclusion at parital homogenization. On the basis of Parry’s method (1986), an improved method was established to determine the molar volume (Vm) and compositions (X) of the NaCl-H2O- -X only requires three microthermometric data of a NHC inclusion: partial homog-enization temperature (Th, CO2), salinity (S) and total homogenization temperature (Th). Theoretically, four associated equations are needed containing four unknown parameters: XNaCl, Vm and F (volume fraction of CO2 phase in total inclusion when occurring partial homogenization). When they are released, the Vm-X are determined. The former three equations, only correlated with Th, CO2, S and F, expressions: XCO2 = f1 (Th, CO2, S, F), XNaCl = f2 (Th, CO2, S, F), Vm = f3 (Th, CO2, S, F). The last one is the thermodynamic relationship of X CO2, XNaCl, Vm and Th: f4 (XCO2, XNaCl, Vm, Th) = 0.Since the above four associated equations are complicated, it is necessary to adopt iterative technique to rele ase them. The technique can be described by: (i) Freely input a F value (0≤F≤1), with Th, CO2 and S, into the former three equations. As a result, XCO 2, XNaCl and the (ii) Input the X CO2 and XNaCl gotten in the step above into the last equation, and another molar volume value recorded as Vm2 is determined. (iii) If Vm1 is unequal to Vm2, the Compared to Vm2, which means that the four associated equations are released. Compared to Parry’s (1986) solution method, the improved method is more convenient to use, As well as more accurate to determine XCO 2. It is available for a NHC inlusion whose partial homogenization temperature is higher than clathrate melting temperature and there are no solid salt crystals in the inclusion at parital homogenization.
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