
来源 :中国医疗前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rongsiyouyu
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医疗行业具备一般服务行业的基本特点,如:生产销售同时完成,生产者直接面对消费者,生产过程产品而非实物产品,产品质量难以控制,对从业人员素质要求高,等等。医疗行业作为特殊服务性行业,还具有高技术性、高风险性、高指导性、销售痛苦过程等独有特性。受行业特殊性影响,医院管理体系涉及方面也很多。医院管理者要应对三个层面的管理问题。职能管理:这是当前各所医院的基本管理体系,如医务、人事、财务、物资管理等,各医院职能部门的设置也大同小异。业务管理:是对各医学专业的管理。还有一个层面,即软性管理,如战略管理、品牌管理、风险管理等。软性管理需要各个部门、科室共同开展,相互协调。医院管理者在思考、实施管理工作时,尤其需要判断管理结果及其动因。医疗服务环节众多,各方相互依存、协调配合的关系极为复杂,这就要求医院管理者具有清晰的、系统性思维,辨别各因素的因果关系及其权重关系,方能进行有效的管理控制。然而,当前行业内对于此方面的定量化、系统化研究还较少,医院管理者可应用的工具不足。本文所介绍的“医院管理测评金字塔模型”在分析医院管理者实际工作需要的基础上开展探索与研究,旨在提供一个具有可视性、前瞻性、实用性、定量化或半定量化等特征的医院管理工具,有效解决当前医院管理工作的实际问题。 The medical industry has the basic characteristics of the general service industry, such as: production and sales are completed at the same time, producers directly face the consumers, the production process products rather than physical products, product quality is difficult to control, the quality requirements of the employees are high, and so on. As a special service industry, the medical industry also has unique characteristics such as high-tech, high-risk, high-instructional, and painful sales processes. Affected by the industry’s uniqueness, there are many aspects involved in the hospital management system. Hospital administrators have to deal with three levels of management issues. Functional management: This is the basic management system of the current hospitals, such as medical services, personnel, finance, material management, etc. The establishment of functional departments in each hospital is similar. Business Management: It is the management of various medical professions. There is also a level of soft management, such as strategic management, brand management, and risk management. Soft management requires all departments and departments to jointly carry out and coordinate with each other. When hospital administrators think about and implement management work, they must especially judge the management results and their motivations. There are many links in medical services, and the relationship between all parties involved in interdependence and coordination is extremely complicated. This requires hospital administrators to have a clear and systematic thinking, to identify the causality and weight relationship of each factor, and to conduct effective management and control. However, there are few quantitative and systematic studies on this aspect in the current industry, and there are not enough tools available to hospital managers. The “Hospital Management Measurement Pyramid Model” introduced in this paper explores and studies the needs of hospital managers in order to provide them with visibility, forward-looking, practical, quantitative or semi-quantitative The hospital management tools with such characteristics can effectively solve the actual problems of current hospital management work.
数学是初中阶段的基础课,在初中数学教学中,教师要构建出高效的课堂需要下一番功夫。本文作者结合教学实践,就初中数学高效课堂的构建进行了探究。 Mathematics is the basi
异名 33A74,Tracrium 化学名 2,2′(3,11-二氧代-4,10-二氧杂亚十三烷基)-双-[6,7-二甲氧基-1-(3,4-二甲氧基苄基)-2-甲基-1,2,3,4-四氢异喹啉]二苯磺酸盐 Synonyms 33A74,