A Method for Identification and Compensation of Machining Errors of Digital Gear Tooth Surfaces

来源 :黑龙江科技学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GYQ865739853
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In order to generate the digital gear tooth surfaces (DGTS) with high efficiency and high precision, a method for identification and compensation of machining errors is demonstrated in this paper. Machining errors are analyzed directly from the real tooth surfaces. The topography data of the part are off-line measured in the post-process. A comparison is made between two models: CAD model of DGTS and virtual model of the physical measured surface. And a matching rule is given to determine these two surfaces in an appropriate fashion. The developed error estimation model creates a point-to-point map of the real surface to the theoretical surface in the normal direction. A "pre-calibration error compensation" strategy is presented. Through processing the results of the first trail cutting, the total compensation error is predicted and an imaginary digital tooth surface is reconstructed. The machining errors in the final manufactured surfaces are minimized by generating this imaginary surface. An example of machining 2-D DGTS verifies the developed method. The research is of important theoretical and practical value to manufacture the DGTS and other digital conjugate surfaces.
摘要:语文教学一直是众多师生的难点,尤其是中职语文教学,学生普遍基础差,学习积极性不高,写作及口头表达方面存在很大的障碍。因此,中职语文教师要勇于创新,探索更加行之有效的教学方法,帮助学生重建语文学习的自信,克服语言教学中说写难的问题,切实提高学生的语言应用能力,为学生毕业后更好地适应社会的需求打下坚实的基础。  关键词:中职生;教学方法;说写障碍;语言应用能力  近年来,国家和社会越来越重视职业
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