真抓实干谋发展 蹄疾步稳跃新程——“十二五”湖北国防科技工业发展成就回眸

来源 :国防科技工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oolongge
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“十二五”是湖北国防科技工业转型升级、提质增效的战略机遇期。面对复杂多变的国内外经济形势和挑战,湖北国防科技工业坚持强军首责,坚持推进军民融合,坚持创新驱动发展,深化改革,开拓进取,各项事业发展取得新成效,为国防现代化建设和湖北经济社会发展做出了积极贡献“十二五”以来,全省军工经济保持良好的发展态势,主要经济指标持续快速增长,军工企业经济运行的质量和效益同步改善。2014年,全 “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” is the strategic period of Hubei’s national defense science and technology industry restructuring, upgrading and efficiency. In the face of the complex and ever-changing economic situation and challenges at home and abroad, Hubei’s national defense science and technology industry insisted on strengthening its military leadership and responsibility, adhering to the integration of civilians and civilians, adhering to innovation-driven development, deepening reform and forging ahead and making new achievements in the development of various undertakings, Since the “12th Five-Year Plan”, the province’s military and industrial economy has maintained a good momentum of development. Its major economic indicators have enjoyed sustained and rapid growth. The quality and efficiency of the economic operation of military enterprises have been simultaneously improved. 2014, all
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