A Visit to the Four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism

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IN May 1900, a Briton spent 10 pounds for an old Chinese vase. On July 15, 2005, his offspring sold the vase for £3.5 million. Over a century plagued by two world wars and miscellaneous other crises,
On August 95,1,192 villagers inZhangzhuang Village, Nanyang City,Henan Province, moved to a newly builtneighborhood in Xiangeheng Countyof Xuehang City some 3oo kilometersaway. This marked the end of
【正】 一九八四年,上海十多所高等学校根据上海市人民政府批准的办法,试行了岗位津贴制度,给予内部管理体制改革以有力的促进。中央领导同志一再肯定上海交通大学管理改革的
定量测定了紫胶树脂基本成分的含量;分离得到了紫胶树脂 状脂肪酸和环状萜烯酸的代表物--紫胶桐酸和壳脑酸。研究发现国产紫胶中软树脂含量高于印度紫胶。结果证明国产紫胶与印
China has declared to the rest of theworld on many occasions that it takesa path of peaceful development and iscommitted to upholding world peaceand promoting common developmentand prosperity for all
【正】 大学生的美育是个既老又新的问题。在对内搞活,对外开放的形势下,国外各种不同的艺术流派(包括精华和糟粕),各种不同的生活方式,不可避免地带进我国人民的精神生活中
History of TCm preparations  The processing of medicinal herbs has a history of 2,000 years in China. Lei’s Treatise on Preparation of Drugs, published in the fifth century, was the first pharmaceut