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在渤海湾的大芦花荡,我能看到那一幕文坛历史上的绝世悲情,完全出于一次劳动的偶然。那是在1969年的2月的一天,我刚刚抄起铁镐,要跟随着出工队伍去刨开冻土,挖一条引水沟渠。绰号“罗锅”驼背队长,突然从队列里把我叫了出来说:“你今天别去打冻挖沟了,场部的马棚塌了,你和张X去‘586’拉一车铁杆芦苇来,用它封上马棚的上顶。”我欣然从命,这不仅因为跟车装运芦苇的活儿,比打冻土轻松;更大的引力在于,那儿是囚号的西方极乐世界,我想借这次西行之机,去看看那芦苇塘里埋葬死者的“586天堂”。其实,这个劳改农场因为滨海,遍地都是芦苇,队长所以叫大张和我去“586”拉一车芦苇回来,全然在于那儿的芦苇长得特别粗壮,有铁杆芦苇之称,用它修理马棚,不仅节省木材,还能保证马棚坚固耐用。如今忆起这段尘封的往事来,似乎是冥冥中的天意使然,不然在今天的文学史,就少了吕荧西归之前的这幅逼真的肖像。记得,那天是个响晴的天,但是从渤海湾刮过来的冷风,吹在脸上仍如刀削一般。大张原来是个刑事 In the big reed in the Bohai Bay, I can see that scene in the history of the peerless tragedy of the literature, completely out of a work by accident. It was on the day of February 1969, when I just picked up a pickaxe, followed by a working team to dig the permafrost and dig a diversion ditch. Nicknamed “Hunchback” humpback captain, suddenly called me out from the queue and said: “Do not try to freeze the trenching today, the field of horse shed collapsed, you and Zhang X to ’586’ pull a car iron reed Come, use it to seal the top of the barn. ”I am pleased to be on my life, not only because of the job of transporting the reeds with the car, but also easier than to freeze the earth. The greater attraction is that there is a prisoner of the Western paradise there, Take this opportunity of the westbound journey to see “586 Heaven” where the dead were buried in the reed ponds. In fact, the labor reform farm because of the sea, all over the reeds, captain so called Zhang and I went to “586” pull a car reed, all the more reed grow there is particularly stout, iron reeds, use it to repair horses Shed, not only save timber, but also ensure stable stables. Now it seems that this dusty past remembered the gratitude of God. Otherwise, in today’s history of literature, there is no more realistic portrayal of Lu Ying-hsi. I remember that day was a sunny day, but the cold wind blowing from Bohai Bay was still like a knife on my face. Big original is a criminal
【摘要】小学英语课堂对话教学对提高学生的英语交际能力有着重要作用,本文将研究农村地区的小学英语课堂对话教学的现状,通过对其中存在问题进行分析,提出相应的解决策略。  【关键词】农村小学 英语课堂对话教学 现状研究  【中图分类号】G623.31【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)20-0093-01  小学英语对话教学应该注重构建完整生动的对话情景,给学生提供大量的练习机会