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一、龙锁玉珠 原料:鳝鱼350克 净虾仁150克 青椒50克 鸡蛋清2个 葱末10克 姜末5克 鲜汤、精盐、酱油、香醋、胡椒粉、味精、干淀粉、水淀粉各适量 色拉油1000克(实耗150克)芝麻油15克 制法: 1、将鳝鱼剖洗干净,剔骨、去头尾,切成5厘米长的段,放碗里,加入鸡蛋清1个及精盐、干淀粉拌匀浆好;净虾仁漂洗干净,沥尽水,放碗里,加入鸡蛋清、精盐、干淀粉抓匀;青椒切成片。 2、炒锅置旺火上,放入色拉油,烧至六成热时,将鳝段爆至变色,入鲜汤、葱末、姜末、香醋烧沸,移小火焖至汁稠,放入青椒片,调味勾芡,淋上芝麻油,盛入盘中,围成圈。 3、炒锅洗净,复置旺火上,放入色拉油烧至五成热时,将虾仁入锅划散,倒入漏勺沥去油;锅里放入鲜汤、精盐、味精,烧开后用水淀粉勾芡,放入虾仁翻炒几下,盛入鳝段圈的中央即成。 特点:形色美观,鲜嫩香醇。 二、蒸瓤鳝筒 原料:鳝鱼两条(每条重300克)猪肉250克(三成肥七成瘦)蒜瓣25克 鸡蛋1个 葱末5克 姜末5克 精盐、料酒、味精、胡椒粉、生抽王、水淀粉、熟猪油、鲜汤各适量 First, the dragon lock beads raw materials: Eel 350 grams of net shrimp 150 grams of green peppers 50 grams of egg white 2 scallions 10 grams ginger 5 grams of soup, salt, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, pepper, MSG, dry starch, water, starch Amount of salad oil 1000 grams (actual consumption of 150 grams) 15 grams of sesame oil Method: 1, the eel anatomy wash, Eviscerate, to head and tail, cut into 5 cm long section, put the bowl, add egg 1 and Salt, dry starch, mix well; net shrimp rinse clean, Lek water, put the bowl, add egg white, salt, dry starch grasping; green pepper cut into pieces. 2, wok stir, put salad oil, until the Liucheng hot, the eel burst to discoloration, into the soup, green onions, ginger, vinegar, boiling, moving small fire stew to the thick juice, Add green pepper slices, seasoning hooks, topped with sesame oil, Sheng into the plate, enclosed in a circle. 3, wok wash, reset on stir, put the salad oil into the heat into the hot, the shrimp wok scattered into the colander drain to the oil; the pot into the soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, burning Open water starch thicken, put shrimp stir fry a few times, Sheng eel into the Central Circle Serve. Features: beautiful shape, fresh mellow. Second, steamed eel tube raw material: eel two (each weighing 300 grams) pork 250 grams (three into fat Seventy percent thin) garlic 25 grams of egg 1 onion 5 grams ginger 5 grams of salt, cooking wine, MSG, pepper , Soy sauce, water starch, cooked lard, soup the right amount
在厂家大赚利润的时候,在明星暗点钞票的时候,谁来归还一个女孩失去的美丽? Make profits in the factory when the star dark spots when the money, who will return the
原料:糯米粉150克 豌豆50克 猪肉(肥三瘦七)100克 罐头蘑菇50克 鸡蛋一个 干细豆粉、盐、酱油、料酒、香油、胡椒面、水豆粉、精炼油、车厘子各适量 制作: 1、糯米加清水揉
编辑同志: 我的孩子总是不肯按时睡觉。当就寝的时间临近时,他又是喝水,又是到洗澡间去,又是看电視……总是千方百计地设法拖延时间,我们被拖累得精疲力尽。请问,有什么办法
或许你也发现了,94年春,男士西装已经东山再起,成为主流。西服、背心、西裤及领带的和谐搭配多样化、个性化。 西装最早出现于欧洲,现在已经成为国际化的服装,是深受各国人