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建国后经过几十年的努力,我们建成了门类齐全的国有工业体系,为我国经济较快发展奠定了强大的物质基础。作为国有经济基本单元的国有企业,特别是国有大中型企业,在经济发展中发挥着极其重要的作用。改革开放以来,国有企业仍然是我国综合经济实力的主要体现,是财政收入的主要来源和社会稳定的主要力量。在支持改革开放和促进其它经济成份发展方面,国有企业发挥着关键作用。经过十多年的改革,国有企业正逐步转变为自主经营的独立经济实体。即使在相对困难的竞争条件下,相当一部分国有企业仍然取得了比较好的经济效益。 After decades of efforts after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we established a complete range of state-owned industrial systems, which laid a strong material foundation for China’s rapid economic development. State-owned enterprises, which are the basic unit of state-owned economy, especially state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, play an extremely important role in economic development. Since the reform and opening up, state-owned enterprises have continued to be the main embodiment of China’s overall economic strength and are the main source of fiscal revenue and the main force of social stability. The state-owned enterprises play a key role in supporting reform and opening up and promoting the development of other economic components. After more than a decade of reforms, state-owned enterprises have gradually transformed themselves into independent economic entities that operate independently. Even under relatively difficult competition conditions, a considerable number of state-owned enterprises still achieved relatively good economic returns.
According to information collected by our reporter from Inner-Mongolia Geological Prospecting Bureau,the first division of the bureau has proved a large-scale n
目的 :为提高临床及放射科医生对移动盲肠症的认识和理解。方法 :经过临床、X线及手术证实的 36例移动盲肠症的临床表现 ,X线表现及手术所见的综合分析和文献复习。结果 :钡
MLR source indicates that China Geological Survey has listed 6 bauxite mines in the first batch of complete prospecting areas. And it is expected that new MLR