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我只希望那些小小的面包屑没有被风吹走,能一直一直指引我跟他会合。那时我们再去探讨,思念的相对速度是多少。我在地图上标出三个点。北,南,还有家乡。好吧,假定那是一个正三角形。假定某一天,有三个很无聊的人,忽然心血来潮,玩起了你追我跑的游戏,假定那是一个自由空间,没有那些蓝的海绿的草阻挡,假定那是顺时针运动,南方向着北方,北方向着家乡,家乡再向着南方,封闭这个三角…… I only hope that those little bread crumbs have not been blown away, can always guide me to meet him. Then we go to explore, the relative speed of miss is how much. I marked three points on the map. North, South, and hometown. Well, let’s assume it’s a regular triangle. Assuming that one day, three very boring people, suddenly whim, playing you chase me to run the game, assuming that it is a free space, there is no barrier of those blue sea green grass, assuming that it is clockwise, south toward North, north toward home, home and then toward the south, close the triangle ... ...
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时间:2014年9月1日至4日地点:北京圆明园、清华大学第三届“文化遗产保护与数字化国际论坛”由国际文化遗产记录科学委员会(ICOMOS-CIPA)、中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOS Chin