
来源 :精细化工中间体 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaochengcfq
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精细化工是当今化学工业中最具活力的新兴领域之一,是新材料的重要组成部分。在科技迅猛发展、国际竞争日趋激烈的今天,准确选择精细化工发展领域和把握其技术未来发展趋势至关重要。随着国内外对环保的要求越来越高,给有机与精细化工产业发展带来了新的机遇和挑战,开发新型绿色有机精细化学品及其中间体,探索其合成新反应、新工艺,发展清洁生产技术,保证安全生产,倡导循环经济,是有机与精细化工领域顺应低碳经济发展的必由之路。为了总结我国有机和精细化工领域的最新成就,加强高等院校、科研院所和企业的学术与技术交流,推动技术进步和产业升级,中国化工学会精细化工专业委员会和安徽省化工学会联合在合肥市召开“全国第18届有机和精细化工中间体学术交流会暨安徽省化工学会年会”。现将有关事项通知如下: Fine Chemicals is one of the most dynamic emerging areas in today’s chemical industry and an important part of new materials. With the rapid development of science and technology and increasingly fierce international competition, it is very important to select accurately the field of fine chemical development and grasp the future development trend of its technology. With the increasing demand for environmental protection both at home and abroad, it has brought new opportunities and challenges to the development of organic and fine chemical industries, developed new green organic fine chemicals and their intermediates, explored new synthetic reactions, new processes, Developing cleaner production technology, ensuring safe production and promoting circular economy are the only ways for organic and fine chemicals to follow the development of low-carbon economy. In order to summarize the latest achievements in the field of organic and fine chemicals in our country, strengthen academic and technological exchanges among universities, research institutes and enterprises, and promote technological progress and industrial upgrading, the Fine Chemical Industry Committee of China Chemical Society and the Anhui Chemical Industry Society jointly work together in Hefei City held “the 18th National Conference of Organic and Fine Chemical Intermediates and Anhui Chemical Industry Society Annual Meeting.” The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
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