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利用历史图件、地形图及遥感数据监测塔里木河下游诸多湖泊水域面积并分析近一百多年的变化情况。根据湖泊水域及其变化,该区湖泊在100多年内变化过程可以分为3个时间段:1 20世纪60年代以前,该区水文条件较好,19世纪末20世纪初湖泊总面积超过2000 km~2;20世纪60-70年代至20世纪末,随着水利设施的陆续兴建,湖泊水域缩小,甚至某些湖泊彻底干涸;21世纪随着塔里木河流域综合治理与下游生态输水工程的实施,该区水文条件有所好转,干涸多年的一些湖泊重新形成水域,2013年湖泊水域总面积达760 km~2。2根据湖盆成因及水域变化把该区湖泊分为:河道西侧的风成湖,河道网之间及东侧的河成湖及河道末端的构造湖等三类。3初步总结风成湖演变过程,发现该区风成湖与河成湖在形状、深度、水质、形成时间等方面有较大差异。4近代人为因素对湖泊水域变化的影响高于自然因素。 Using historical maps, topographic maps and remote sensing data to monitor the area of ​​many lakes and waters in the lower reaches of the Tarim River and analyze the changes over the past 100 years. According to the lake waters and their changes, the lakes in this area can be divided into three periods over a period of 100 years. Before the 1960s, the hydrological conditions in this area were better. The total area of ​​lakes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries exceeded 2000 km ~ 2; from the 1960s to the 1970s to the end of the 20th century, with the successive construction of water conservancy facilities, the lake waters narrowed and even some of the lakes were completely dried up. In the 21st century, with the comprehensive management of the Tarim River Basin and the implementation of the ecological water conveyance project in the lower reaches, The hydrological conditions in the district have been improved. Some lakes that have dried up for many years have re-formed their waters. In 2013, the total lake water area reached 760 km ~ 2.2. According to the causes of the lakes and the changes in the water area, the lakes are divided into: Fengcheng Lake on the west side of the river , Between the river network and the east side of the river into the lake and the end of the tectonic lake and other three categories. 3 Preliminary summary of the evolution of the wind into the lake and found that the area of ​​wind into a lake and Lake into a lake in shape, depth, water quality, formation time and so on are quite different. The influence of modern human factors on the changes of lake waters is higher than that of natural ones.
改革开放以来,外企蜂拥进入中国市场,到2015年中国已经连续24年成为世界吸引外资最多的国家。外资在中国市场赚得大量真金白银的同时,也给中国带来资金和先进的技术、管理经验,并回馈中国社会。  近年来,虽然有一些外资陆续撤出中国,但是也有外资加大在中国投资。联合国贸易和发展组织的调查显示,2016年和2017年,中国将继续被列为最具前景的投资目的国首位。  中国投资环境与市场前景如何,在华外资企业应