
来源 :中国农机监理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ryuichist
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江苏省苏中地区属长江流域平原地区,水系较多,交通便利,农业较为发达,农业机械化水平较高,是省内纯农田作业机具保有量较多的地区,也是上道路拖拉机营运较为活跃的地区。近年来,随着农机安全监管工作的逐步转型,以及受国家农机化惠农政策的影响,纯农田作业机具的管理比重越来越高,该地区的农机安伞监管也逐步形成了新的局面,同时也产生了新的管理问题。江苏省扬州市是苏中的重要地区,处于苏中的西部,北接苏北,南临长江,该市的农机安全监管情况在苏中地区比较有代表性。本文谨以扬州为例,探讨苏中地区 The Jiangsu-Jiangsu region belongs to the plains region of the Yangtze River basin. It has a large number of water systems, convenient transportation, relatively developed agriculture and high level of mechanization of agriculture. It is also an area where the number of pure farm work tools in the province is relatively large. It is also an active tractor operation on roads area. In recent years, with the gradual transformation of agricultural machinery safety supervision and control, as well as the impact of national agricultural mechanization and benefiting agriculture policies, the proportion of management of pure farmland work tools is getting higher and higher, and supervision of agricultural machinery umbrellas in this area has also gradually formed a new situation , But also created a new management problem. Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, is an important area in the Soviet Union and China. It is located in the western part of the Soviet Union and China. It is bordered by North Jiangsu in the north and Yangtze River in the south. The safety supervision of agricultural machinery in the city is more representative in the central Jiangsu Province. This article would like to Yangzhou, for example, to explore the Soviet Union region
To promote the compilation of the Archaeology in China: Introduction and to push forward the establishment and development of the theoretical system of Chinese archaeology, the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, held the "Sympos
以节能灯为核心纽带的照明行业近几年发展迅猛,已经成为产业经济中的一股生力军。  节能、减排,已经成为全球性的热门命题。随着国家对节能减排的扶持力度不断加强,作为节能减排主力军的节能灯产业迎来了巨大的历史机遇。事实上,以节能灯为核心纽带的照明行业近几年发展迅猛,已经成为产业经济中的一股生力军。  那么,我们到底应该如何认识节能灯市场,怎么评判目前行业的发展态势以及未来的发展趋势?作为已经进入该行业或