Businese Bride

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  [ Demand ]
  Wheat Bran
  Release Date:
  Aug. 12, 2021
  Region: Guangxi, China
  * Quantity Required: 5,000
  * Tel: +86-4006014000
  Release Date:
  Aug. 15, 2021
  Region: Guangdong, China
  * Quantity Required: unlimited
  * Tel: +86-13676083236
  Fly Ash
  Release Date:
  Aug. 16, 2021
  Region: Inner Mongolia, China
  * Quantity Required: 30
  * Tel: +86-0472-2126866
  Boiling Slag
  Release Date:
  Aug. 18, 2021
  Region: Beijing, China
  * Quantity Required: 10,000
  * Tel: +86-010-68138588
  Release Date:
  Aug. 18, 2021
  Region: Beijing, China
  * Quantity Required: 22
  * Tel: +86-86-10-81131199
  Release Date:
  Aug. 20, 2021
  Region: Beijing, China
  * Quantity Required: 1,500
  * Tel: +86-010-68138588
  Waste Iron Slag
  Release Date:
  Aug. 20, 2021
  Region: Shandong, China
  * Quantity Required: 60
  * Tel: +86-18754872880
  Latex Gloves
  Release Date:
  Aug. 24, 2021
  Region: Shaanxi, China
  * Quantity Required: 120
  * Tel: +86-0913-3088019
  [ Supply ]
  Corner Former Machine
  Release Date:
  Aug. 17, 2021
  Region: Shandong, China
  * Package: Wooden Box
  * Tel: +86-0535-46115898009
  Hot Pressing Machine
  Release Date:
  Aug. 18, 2021
  Region: Guangdong, China
  * Efficiency: 6,000W
  * Tel: +86-13760526500
  Black Sintered Stone
  Slab Porcelain
  Release Date:
  Aug. 19, 2021
  Region: Fujian, China
  * Package: Wooden Box
  * Tel: +86-13799275431
  PET Sheets for Printing
  Release Date:
  Aug. 19, 2021
  Region: Jiangsu, China
  * Color: Transparent
  * Tel: +86-13305276387
  China Exhibition
  China International Hardware Show 2021
  VENUE: Shanghai New International Expo Centre
  DATE: Oct. 8-10, 2021
  Tel: +86-021-28906666
  China International Hardware Show (CIHS) is Asia’s top trade fair for the entire hardware and DIY sectors, offering specialist traders and buyers with a comprehensive category of products and services. It is now clearly established as the most influential hardware sourcing fair in Asia after the International Hardware Fair in Cologne. The fair boasts the largest number of domestic and overseas buyers in China. This year it will no doubt attract more customers and audiences to visit.   China Dental Show 2021
  VENUE: National Exhibition and Convention Center
  DATE: Oct. 9-12, 2021
  Tel: +86-021-62700066
  Held along with the China Stomatological Association (CSA) Annual Meeting, China Dental Show is a leading trade show which covers brand and product promotion, continuing education, trade negotiation and equipment procurement. We open the door in Shanghai to the largest amount of dentists from private and public hospitals as well as clinics and distributors in China, showcasing products and services relating to oral health.
  Agrochemex 2021
  VENUE: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center
  DATE: Oct. 11-13, 2021
  Tel: +86-021-20225109
  Agrochemex is the most important annual event in China crop protection industry, which has successfully been held for 19 sessions with the joint efforts of CCPIA and all partners. It witnesses the development and progress happened in global agrochemical industry. Visitors this year are estimated to reach the figure of 50,000, an increase of 10% compared to the result of the last edition, which had already set a historical record. The fair takes a leading role not only in the agrochemical sector in China but in the general community worldwide.
  China Preschool Expo 2021
  VENUE: Shanghai New International Expo Centre
  DATE: Oct. 19-21, 2021
  Tel: +86-021-28906666
  China Preschool Expo is a platform for product and service procurement and cooperation in the whole industry of preschool education. It covers the preschool education product category and the entire industry chain, serving as the best procurement and cooperation platform for directors, early childhood education dealers and investors. The Expo is dedicated to promoting the healthy and rapid development of China’s early childhood education industry.
果中之王榴梿是南洋特产,自19世纪以来其中文词形因音译而有多个版本——“榴连”“流连”“流璃”“留连”“榴莲”,直到二战后英殖民地政府提倡本土化,加上本地中文报章和教科书多采用“榴梿”,词形方才固定下来。新千年后,因中国编辑出版的《现代汉语词典》收录榴梿、榴莲,而引起主副词条之辩。作者梳理历史发展,并从构词理论加以分析不同版本异同,为“榴梿”正名。  早期中国文人墨客写“榴梿”  1819年新加坡
5月19日,作为西洽会的首场重要活动,中国(重庆)—老挝经贸合作交流会在重庆市巴南区举行,重庆市工商界、巴南区及老挝方面相关负责人分别进行了招商推介。  近年來,重庆积极参与西部陆海新通道建设,与老挝经贸往来不断增多、合作交流日益密切。自重庆跨境公路班车中线通车以来,运经老挝班车班次达557车次,货值近2亿元人民币,未来中老两国将依托重庆公路物流基地和重庆自贸试验区等,扩大贸易规模,深化产业合作。
5月7日,据越南农业与农村发展部的统计数据,2021年前4月,越南农林水产品进出口额达约320.7亿美元,其中出口额达171.5億美元,同比增长24.2%;进口额达约149.3亿美元,同比增长48.7%。农林水产品贸易顺差约22亿美元,同比下降41.1%。  关于出口市场,越南农林水产品对亚洲地区市场的出口额占市场份额的46.9%,在美洲、欧洲、大洋洲和非洲等的市场占有率分别达27.6%、10%、
5月18日,第27次中国—东盟高官磋商以視频方式举行。中国外交部部长助理吴江浩与中国—东盟关系协调国菲律宾副外长伊丽莎白共同主持。  吴江浩强调,2021年是中国和东盟建立对话关系30周年,也是中国共产党成立100周年。中方愿同东盟各国一道,以纪念建立对话关系30周年为契机,总结既往经验,规划未来方向,不断深化政治安全互信,提升经贸合作规模质量,加强公共卫生能力建设,拓展社会人文和可持续发展领域合
5月17日,由中国建筑集团有限公司承建的泰国素万那普机场扩建项目——衛星厅新候机楼已完成施工,并正式进入验收阶段。中建八局海外部副总经理兼机场项目经理申明华介绍,尽管项目工期紧、任务量大,但中泰员工齐心协力,有序开展工作,保证了工程准时、高效、高质量完工。  素万那普机场位于曼谷东郊的沙没巴干府,建成后的一号卫星厅预计2022年投入使用。届时,素万那普机场的可容纳客流量将从目前的每年4500万人次
5月6日,泰国农业部的最新数据显示,2021年第一季度泰国榴莲对华出口额达1.86亿美元,与2020年同期的1.63亿美元相比,增长14%。据尖竹汶府一家榴莲出口商反馈,目前店内每天出口400~700个集装箱货柜的新鲜榴莲,2020年同期是200~400个货柜,今年的出口价格为每公斤70~95泰铢(约合15~20元人民币),与2020年相比也有所上涨。  据泰国农业部预测,2021年将是泰国新鲜榴
5月18日,泰国旅游局评估,2021年泰国国内旅游市场低迷,预计泰国游客从原来的1亿~1.2亿人次,创造收入5500亿铢(约合1124.4亿元人民币),减少至9000万人次,创造收入4820亿铢(约合985.4亿元人民币)。新冠肺炎疫情缓解后,泰国准备立即实施促进旅游计划。  此前,泰国国内旅游业协会与泰國旅游局就已调整“泰国之旅”项目条件,让年龄18岁以上的泰国人每天都可以通过旅行社购买旅游套餐