一、为加快科研成果转化为现实的生产力,促进农产品加工、贮存、保鲜、运销业务的发展,对科研机构、大专院校服务于农产品生产加工、贮存、保鲜等企业的技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务、技术培训、技术承包所得收入暂免征收所得税。 二、农业社会化服务体系组织中县、乡级农技推广站、植保站、水管站、林业站、畜
First, in order to speed up the transformation of scientific research achievements into productive forces and promote the development of the processing, storage, preservation and distribution of agricultural products, the scientific research institutions and tertiary institutions shall provide technical assistance to the enterprises engaged in agricultural product production, processing, storage and preservation, Technical services, technical training, technology contract income income temporarily exempt from income tax. Second, the social service system of agricultural organizations in the county, township agricultural extension stations, plant protection stations, water stations, forestry stations, livestock