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明代继承唐宋三品以上给谥的资格限制,但在实际运作过程中,明代官员得谥品级既有原则性也有灵活性:三品以上两京大员方能得谥的标准贯彻始终,而品行业绩特别突出的少数四品以下官员也可得谥。官员生前品行业绩是衡量其得谥与否的重要因素,业绩平常者概不予谥。个别一二品高官无善行而得美谥则最终不为社会所认可;四品以下的中低级官员因品行业绩特别突出而得谥,他们的所言所行符合传统谥法对立德、立言、立功方面的要求。明代中央集权制的强化使皇帝操控着官员得谥,其他因素诸如官员之间的恩怨、不同历史时期的政治背景、避讳等也会影响官员的谥号。总体而言,明代官员得谥因素既有对历史的继承,也是明代自身发展特点及具体人事干预等综合作用的结果,反映了官员谥号背后复杂的政治态势。 In the Ming Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties inherited the restrictions on the qualifications granted to them. However, during the actual operation, officials in the Ming dynasty had both principle and flexibility: the standards of the two Beijing-based Beijing officials can only be implemented consistently while the performance The following outstanding officials who are particularly prominent are also available. Officials’ performance during their lifetime is an important factor in assessing whether or not they are successful or not. In the end, individual senior officials and senior officials without good works got the approval from the society. Middle and low-ranking officials below the rank of fourth grade were found to be particularly prominent due to their professional performance. Their actions were in line with the traditional law, Merits and demerits requirements. The intensification of the centralized power system in the Ming dynasty made the emperor control the officials. Other factors such as the grievances among officials, the political background and taboo in different historical periods also affected officials’ trumpets. Overall, the official factors of the Ming Dynasty both inherited history, but also the result of the combined development of the Ming dynasty’s own characteristics and specific personnel intervention, reflecting the complex political situation behind the official title.
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