
来源 :中国三峡建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdc145
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以葛洲坝水力发电厂近 2 0年来设备检修实践为基础 ,从状态检修管理体制、人员素质和技术检测手段等几个方面阐述了葛洲坝水力发电在向以诊断性检修为基础 ,故障检修与预防性相结合 ,以实现最低成本消耗为目标的状态检修模式迈进的历程中所采取的措施、设想和面临的困难 ,解决的思路 Based on the equipment overhaul practice in Gezhouba Hydropower Plant in recent 20 years, this paper expounds that the hydroelectric power generation in Gezhouba hydropower plant is based on diagnostic maintenance, fault maintenance and preventive measures from several aspects such as the status maintenance management system, personnel quality and technical means of detection. The combination of measures to achieve the lowest cost of consumption as the goal of the state overhaul mode of progress in the steps taken, the vision and the difficulties faced, ideas to solve
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