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The mechanical behavior of steel employed in the hull of a steel tank damaged by corrosion has been analyzed. The tank was used to filter a deep-water well for
Oripavine is the major alkaloid of Papaver orientale. It is an important intermediate in the biosynthesis of morphine alkaloids. Recently, new Papaver somniferu
The question of how many shuffles are required to randomize an initially ordered deck of cards is a problem that has fascinated mathematicians, scientists, and
1 有病不早治鸡发病后,不能在第一时间给予治疗,等到出现了死鸡,且死亡量不断增加时才知道鸡群染病了,此时用药,疗效当然不好。
The purpose of the presented work was dedicated to identifying the species composition of the mycobiota of honey bees in Azerbaijan condition. From the samples
The better understanding of the mechanism in which the immune system responds to the developing cancer provided the outcome in a new era in cancer immunotherapy
1 感冒感冒是畜体受风寒侵袭而出现的以全身不适和上呼吸道感染为主的急性全身性疾病。感冒一般早春、晚秋多发。