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目的掌握宁德市三都澳港区医学媒介生物的种群密度及季节消长情况。方法据福建出入境检验检疫局《口岸医学媒介生物本底调查方案》,于2012年5月至2013年4月对该港码头区域进行了医学媒介本底调查。结果全年共捕获鼠121只,平均捕获率3.6%;优势鼠种为褐家鼠(83.5%),其次为臭鼩鼱(8.3%)、黄胸鼠(2.5%)、针毛鼠(4.1%)和黄毛鼠(1.7%);5月捕获数大幅增长,有6月(31只)和8月(30只)2个峰值;检出鼠肺汉坦病毒阳性率13.3%,鼠肾钩体核酸阳性率1.4%。从鼠体上检到4只粒形硬蜱,2只纳厉螨,未发现蚤和蠓类。共捕获白纹伊蚊9只,致倦库蚊幼虫38只。捕获蝇类5科13种625只,丽蝇科6种535只(85.6%),花蝇科2种41只(6.6%),家蝇科2种21只(3.4%),麻蝇科1种14只(2.2%),蝇科2种11只(1.8%);大头金蝇为优势物种(57.6%),巨尾阿丽蝇13.3%、紫绿蝇9.9%、家蝇3.4%,其它8种蝇类共占9.6%;全年除2月外均有捕获,3~10月为活动高峰期,3、6和10月捕获数均>100只。捕获美洲大蠊2只,德国小蠊1只。结论褐家鼠、白纹伊蚊、大头金蝇为三都澳港区的优势物种,鼠肺汉坦病毒的阳性率较高,引发流行性出血热的风险较高,应加强灭鼠和灭蝇。 Objective To understand the population density and seasonal fluctuation of medical vector organisms in Sandu Port of Ningde City. Methods According to the “Surveillance Program of Port Medical Media in China” issued by Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Fujian Province from May 2012 to April 2013, a medical media background survey was conducted on the wharf area in the port. Results A total of 121 rats were captured in the year, with an average capture rate of 3.6%. The dominant species were Rattus norvegicus (83.5%), followed by Rattus ostreatus (8.3%), Rattus flavipectus (2.5%), %) And rodent (1.7%). The number of catches increased sharply in May, with two peaks in June (31) and August (30). The positive rate of Hantavirus was 13.3% Leptospira nucleic acid positive rate of 1.4%. From the mouse body detected Ixodon hardnickii, two Nami mite, did not find fleas and 蠓 class. Nine Aedes albopictus and 38 Culex pipiens larvae were captured. A total of 625 flies from 5 families, 13 species from flies, 535 (6.6%) from 6 species from the family Muscidae, 41 (2,6%) from 2 species from the family Muscidae, 21 (3.4%) from 2 species from the family Muscidae, 14 (2.2%) and two species of Muscidae 11 (1.8%). The dominant golden flies were dominant species (57.6%), giant tail allergens (13.3%), purple flies (9.9%), house flies (3.4%) and other 8 The species of flies accounted for 9.6% of the total. All the animals were harvested except February. The peak was from March to October, and the number of catches was> 100 in March, June and October. Two American cockroaches were captured and one German cockroach. Conclusion Rattus norvegicus, Aedes albopictus, and Drosophila melanogaster are dominant species in the port area of ​​Sanduao. The positive rate of Hantavirus in mouse lung is high, and the risk of epidemic hemorrhagic fever is high. Rodent and extermination should be strengthened fly.
目的通过了解林芝地区水痘发病情况和流行病学特征,为制订防控策略提供依据。方法对林芝地区2010—2012年水痘疫情进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 3年全地区共报告病例339例,
针对动态环境中业务应用的不断变化,将易变的业务逻辑从过程控制结构中分离,并且通过业务规则的声明性表达式描述,由此构建了业务过程模型BPM4DBL(Business Process Model fo
目的 研究腹腔镜新的手术路径——经腰腹联合途径切除较大肾上腺肿瘤的临床安全性和有效性.方法 直径≥6.0 cm的肾上腺肿瘤分别采用经腹腹腔镜(n=30)和腹腔镜经腰腹联合途径(
目的了解三明市流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)流行特征,为制定防控策略和措施提供依据。方法用描述流行病学方法对三明市1955—2012年乙脑疫情进行分析。结果 1955—2012年全市累计发