潜江市 以改革为突破口 彻底转换企业经营机制

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“八五”初期,潜江市工业企业经济效益差,发展速度慢。市领导经过调查,认为最根本的原因是企业经营机制不活,解决工业企业资产长期处于低效运作状态的有效办法就是以改革为突破口,实行“一厂一法,分类推进”的策略,彻底转换企业经营机制,具体采取以下形式:一是股份制改造。对有规模、有效益、有主导产品、有市场占有率的企业,采取股份合作制和股份制改造,这是企业改革的主要形式。从1992年9月起,他们采取“先办试点,由乡镇企业到国有企业”逐步推进策略,经过两年多时间,改组和新建有限责任公司65家,股份合作制企业368家。如市冶材厂1993年作为全省200家股份制试点在全市国有工业企业改制中率先突破。1993年该厂产值不到2000万元,去年,完成工业产值10117万元、销售收入5298万元,实现利税500万元,由一家保本微利企业变成全市国有企业中的亿元企业、利税大户,并一举成为全国炼钢铺料生产基地和冶金部的定点企业。二是引资嫁接。就是通过引进外 At the beginning of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the economic efficiency of industrial enterprises in Qianjiang City was poor, and the development speed was slow. After investigation, the city’s leaders believed that the most fundamental reason was that the company’s operating mechanism was not alive. An effective way to solve the long-term inefficient operation of industrial enterprises’ assets was to use reform as a breakthrough point and implement the “one plant, one method, and classification” strategy. In order to completely transform the operating mechanism of the enterprise, the following forms have been adopted: First, the reform of the joint-stock system. For companies that have scale, efficiency, leading products, and market share, adopting a stock cooperative system and a shareholding system reform is the main form of enterprise reform. From September 1992 onwards, they took a “pilot pilot, from township enterprises to state-owned enterprises,” and gradually advanced the strategy. After more than two years, 65 restructured and newly established limited-liability companies and 368 joint-stock cooperative enterprises. For example, in the year of 1993, the City Metallurgical Plant as the province’s 200 joint-stock pilots took the lead in breaking through the restructuring of state-owned industrial enterprises in the city. In 1993, the factory output value was less than 20 million yuan. Last year, the industrial output value was 101.17 million yuan, the sales income was 52.98 million yuan, and the profits and taxes were 5 million yuan. From a low-maintenance and low-profit enterprise, the company became a billion-dollar enterprise in the state-owned enterprises of the city. , And in one fell swoop became a fixed-point enterprise of the steel-making shop material production base and the Ministry of Metallurgy. The second is to attract investment. It is through the introduction of foreign
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