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人类文化如同绵延不断的由许多支流汇成的一条大河,下游与上游相联,支流与主流相通。我们不能将中国现当代文化与中国古代文化相隔断,也不应将中国当代文化从世界当代文化中分离出来。凡是优秀的文化,都是人类共同的财富,包括中华民族在内的所有民族,在弘扬本民族文化的同时,也要学习、借鉴其他民族的文化精华。如果忽略这个简单的命题,就会对外来文化抱有偏见,甚至心惊肉跳、惶恐不安。中国“入世”之后,我们更应该用博大的胸怀对待人类一切优秀文化。 Human culture is like a long stream of rivers that has been merged by many tributaries. Its lower reaches are connected with the upper reaches, and its tributaries are connected with the mainstream. We can not separate the modern and contemporary Chinese culture from the ancient Chinese culture, nor should we separate the contemporary Chinese culture from the contemporary world culture. All excellent cultures are the common wealth of mankind. All ethnic groups, including the Chinese nation, must, while carrying forward their own national culture, also learn from others’ cultural essences. If you ignore this simple proposition, it will be biased against foreign cultures, even terrified, anxious. After China’s accession to the WTO, we should treat all outstanding human beings with a broad mind.
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下面是两道新材料作文试题,我们不妨来比较一下它们之间的异同:【例1】阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇文章。火车头停在铁轨上,为了防滑,在它的8个驱动轮前各塞一 Here are
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他在天桥下呆了两天了。  他是个年逾古稀的老人,一头银发被污渍染成灰色,清瘦的面孔上布满岁月的痕迹,显得格外沧桑,双目浑浊。衣衫上打满了补丁,双手脏得看不出本色,指关节凸了出来,仿佛除了骨头外只剩下了一层皮。  他就是这样一个老乞丐。与天桥下其他乞丐不同,他会拉二胡而且拉得相当不错。很难想象,从那双又黑又脏的手中,能流泻出如此美妙的音符。每当天桥下飘出悠扬婉转的二胡声时,总有人驻足聆听,议论纷纷,
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