蒋介石夫人宋美龄的外甥女孔令伟,于今年11月8日在台北振兴医院病死,终年76岁。 人称孔二小姐的孔令伟,父亲乃是国民党元老孔祥熙,他在三四十年代长期担任国民党政权的财政部长,后又担任过行政院长等职,可说权倾一时,是蒋介石的“财神爷”。 早年曾发生在孔二小姐身上一桩轰动全国的丑闻:1941年,正当抗日战争最艰苦的年月,国民党统治下的大后方物资匮乏,尤其是汽油奇缺,蒋介石亲自下手令节约汽油,保证供应前线军需,那时,重庆和大西南一带和交通线上,“一滴汽油一滴血:的大标语牌,触目皆是。当局告诫人们爱惜汽油如爱惜血液一样。那时有些盗卖汽油的司机,一旦发现,立即遭到枪毙。
Kong Lingwei, a nephew of Mrs. Chiang Kai-shek’s Soong Mei-ling, died in a revitalization hospital in Taipei on November 8 this year and is 76 years old. Kong Lingwei, who is known as Miss Kong Er, was the father of the KMT veteran Kong Hsi-hee. He served as the finance minister of the Kuomintang regime for a long time in the 1940s and 1940s and later served as the executive director of the Kuomintang government. She said that Chiang Kai-shek’s “God of Wealth ”. In the early years there was a sensational scandal in Miss Hong Er: In 1941, just as the war of resistance against Japan was in its most difficult years, Kuomintang under the rule of the rear material deficit, especially gasoline shortage, Chiang Kai-shek personally ordered the saving of gasoline, promised Supply of front-line military needs, then, Chongqing and the Southwest area and the traffic line, "a drop of petrol a drop of blood: the big placard, all eyes. The authorities warned people to cherish the same as cherish the blood, Once found, it was immediately shot.