立足经济发展新常态 促进消费领域健康发展

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当前,在全国经济进入“新常态”的背景下,烟台市消费领域中不断呈现出一些新变化、新特点:消费趋势、消费群体和消费观念逐步变动,消费在稳定增长、扩大内需、服务民生中作用不断加大。因此,审时度势、因势利导,积极稳妥地推进在消费领域科学认识新常态、主动适应新常态、积极引领新常态,不仅是遵循当前和今后一个时期烟台经济发展大逻辑 At present, under the background that the national economy has entered a “new normal”, some new changes have constantly emerged in the field of consumption in Yantai. The new characteristics include the trend of consumption, the gradual change of consumption groups and consumption concepts, the steady growth of consumption, the expansion of domestic demand, The role of service in people’s livelihood continues to increase. Therefore, judging the current situation and making the best use of the situation, we should actively and steadily promote scientific understanding of the new normal in the field of consumption, take the initiative to adapt to the new normal and actively lead the new normal. It is not only following the great logic of economic development in Yantai for the present and in a future period
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【摘要】课堂教学是一门艺术,而课堂导语更是艺术中的艺术。良好的情境能使学生产生浓厚的兴趣,激发学生主动、自觉地参与教学活动,从而培养学生的自主学习能力。  【关键词】设情境 激趣 策略  课堂教学是一门艺术,而课堂导语更是艺术中的艺术。常言道:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。导入新课设计和运用得好,会激发起学生浓厚的学习兴趣和强烈的求知欲望,从而提高课堂教学质量。教师是“激发者”,应采用新颖、灵活多变
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中国经济增速放缓早已不是什么秘密。但是中国消费者的整体信心仍旧保持“谨慎乐观”。谨慎的是低端消费市场,乐观的则是蓬勃的高端市场。  换而言之,中国已成为一个“双速并行”的消费市场。乐观积极的“高速”市场主要由中产和上层中产阶级以及富裕家庭组成,他们同时也是热衷于网购的数字化消费阶层的主力军。  目前,中国城市消费总额约为3.2万亿美元,其中1.7万亿美元来源于这些“高速”消费者。随着收入的增长,中
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