Inter- and intraobserver agreement in computed tomography enterography in inflammatory bowel disease

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AIM To evaluate intra- and interobserver agreement in imaging features in inflammatory bowel disease and comparison with fecal calprotectin(FC) levels.METHODS Our institutional computed tomography enterography(CTE) database was retrospectively queried to identify patients who underwent CTE from January 2014 to June 2015. Patient inclusion criteria were confirmed inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) and FC collected < 4 mo after CTE without any change in clinical treatment or surgical treatment during this interval. The exclusion criterion was poor image quality. Two blinded abdominal radiologists, with 12 and 3 years of experience analyzed the CTE regarding localization(small bowel, colonic, both, or no disease detected);type of IBD(inflammatory, stenosing, fistulizing, > 1 pattern, or normal); and signs of active disease(present or absent). In 42 of 44 patients evaluated, routine CTE reports were made by one of the readers who reevaluated the CTEs ≥ 6 mo later, to determine the intraobserver agreement. FC was considered a sign of disease activity when it was higher than 250 μg/g.RESULTS Forty-four patients with IBD(38 with Crohn’s disease and 6 with ulcerative colitis) were included. There was a moderate interobserver agreement regarding localization of IBD(k = 0.540), type of disease(k = 0.410) and the presence of active signs in CTE(k = 0.419). There was almost perfect intraobserver agreement regarding localization, type and signs of active disease in IBD. The k values were 0.902, 0.937 and 0.830, respectively. After a consensus between both radiologists regarding inflammatory activity in CTE, we found that 24(85.7%) of 28 patients who were classified with active disease had elevated FC, and six(37.5%) of 16 patients without inflammatory activity in CTE had elevated FC(P = 0.003). The correlation between elevated FC and the presence of active disease in CTE was significant(k = 0.495, P = 0.001).CONCLUSION We found almost perfect intraobserver and moderate interobserver agreement in the signs of active disease in CTE with concurrence of high FC levels. AIM To evaluate intra- and interobserver agreement in imaging features in inflammatory bowel disease and comparison with fecal calprotectin (FC) levels. METHODS Our institutional computed tomography enterography (CTE) database was retrospectively queried to identify patients who underwent CTE from January 2014 to June 2015 . Patient’s inclusion were confirmed in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and FC collected <4 mo after CTE without any change in clinical treatment or surgical treatment during this interval. The exclusion criterion was poor image quality. Two blinded abdominal radiologists, with 12 and 3 years of experience analyzed the CTE regarding localization (small bowel, colonic, both, or no disease detected); type of IBD (inflammatory, stenosing, fistulizing,> 1 pattern, or normal); and signs of active disease (present or absent) In 42 of 44 patients evaluated, routine CTE reports were made by one of the readers who reevaluated the CTEs ≥ 6 mo later, determine the intraobse rver agreement. FC was considered a sign of disease activity when it was higher than 250 μg / g. RESULTS Forty-four patients with IBD (38 with Crohn’s disease and 6 with ulcerative colitis) were included. There was a moderate interobserver agreement regarding localization of IBD (k = 0.540), type of disease (k = 0.410) and the presence of active signs in CTE (k = 0.419). There was almost perfect intraobserver agreement regarding localization, type and signs of active disease in IBD. The k After a consensus between both radiologists regarding inflammatory activity in CTE, we found that 24 (85.7%) of 28 patients who were classified with active disease had elevated FC, and six (37.5%) of The correlation between elevated FC and the presence of active disease in CTE was significant (k = 0.495, P = 0.001) .CONCLUSION We found almost perfect intraobserver and moderate interobse rver agreement in the signs of active disease in CTE with concurrence of high FC levels.
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