南通市政协提出工业产业结构调整建议——分析市情瞄行情 优化结构铸优势

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南通是中国民族工业的发祥地之一。经过近百年的发展,形成以轻纺为主体,机械、电子、化工、医药、建材、电力、船舶、冶金等多门类相配套的工业体系,近几年又逐步摆脱了低速低效的困境,1999年全市定报工业完成现价总产值和工业增加值,均完成省考核指标。但从总体上看,南通工业经济的比重在一、二、三产中的占比还不高,高新技术产业及其产品发展还不快,新兴产业的规模优势尚未形成,传统产业的创新机制有待进一步建立,企业规模普遍偏小,制约了南通整体经济的发展,加大了与上海、苏南等地的差距。为此,南通市政协经济科技委员会在马汉坤、颜福星副主席的带领下,历时数月,先后对纺织、机械、电子仪表、化工、轻工、船舶等行业开展视察调研,并赴上海、苏州学习考察高新技术产业发展的做法和经验,在此基础上对全市工业产业结构调整提出了建议。委员们认为,南通市工业产业结构作了一些适应性调整,但力度不大;今后调整,应是总量规模的扩大与质的水平提高并举,由单个企业、单个产品能力扩张逐步转移到提高整个行业的竞争实力上来。——纺织行业。有过辉煌历史,现具相当规模,在全国仍有较强的竞争力,加入WTO后市场前景看好,目前关键是要在技术装备水平、产品质量上有所突破,在传统产业中 Nantong is one of the birthplaces of Chinese national industry. After nearly a hundred years of development, an industrial system with light textile as the main body, machinery, electronics, chemicals, medicine, building materials, electricity, ships, and metallurgy has been formed. In recent years, it has gradually emerged from the predicament of low-speed and low-efficiency. In 1999, the city set the industry to complete the current gross output value and industrial added value, and completed the provincial assessment indicators. However, as a whole, the proportion of Nantong’s industrial economy in the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries is not high, the development of high-tech industries and their products is not yet fast, the scale advantages of emerging industries have not yet formed, and the innovation mechanism of traditional industries is still pending. To further establish, the scale of the enterprises is generally too small, which restricts the overall economic development of Nantong and increases the gap with Shanghai and southern Jiangsu. To this end, under the leadership of Ma Hankun and Vice President Yan Fuxing, the Nantong Municipal CPPCC Economic and Technological Commission has conducted inspections and researches on textiles, machinery, electronic instruments, chemicals, light industry, ships, etc., and went to Shanghai and Suzhou for several months. Study and inspect the methods and experiences of the development of high-tech industries, and on this basis, make suggestions on the adjustment of the industrial structure of the city. The committee members believe that the industrial structure of Nantong City has made some adjustments, but with little effort. In the future adjustments, it should be the simultaneous expansion of the total scale and the improvement of the quality level, which will be gradually transferred from the expansion of individual enterprises and individual products. The competitiveness of the entire industry comes up. --Textile industry. There has been a glorious history and it is quite large. It still has strong competitiveness in the country. After joining the WTO, the market prospects are promising. The key now is to make breakthroughs in the level of technical equipment and product quality, in traditional industries.
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