A Study of Daoism Elements Embodied in Walden

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davidphoenix
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This thesis aims at providing a detailed and in-depth study of Daoism elements embodied in Henry David Thoreau’Walden.Thoreau loves and returns to nature.His viewing“man as part and parcel of nature”echoes Daoism’s“identification of the self with nature”;Thoreau’s stressing a simple life style is identified with Daoist’s returning to simplicity;water is frequently cited in Walden as an image,which strikingly resembles some chapters of Tao Te Ching.Thoreau repeatedly emphasizes the significance of medication in quietude,which is also expressed in Tao Te Ching.These are but a few examples to show striking similarities between thoughts reflected in Walden and those preached by Daoism.The book Walden is a manifest demonstration of Daoism.This writing intends to take a minute and comparative look at Daoism elements embodied in Walden. This thesis provides a detailed and in-depth study of Daoism elements embodied in Henry David Thoreau ’Walden. Horeau loves and returns to nature. His viewing “man as part and parcel of nature” echoes Daoism’s “identification of the self with nature ”Thoreau’s stressing a simple life style identified with Daoist’s returning to simplicity; water is frequently cited in Walden as an image, which strikingly resembles some chapters of Tao Te Ching.Thoreau repeatedly emphasized the significance of medication in quietude, which is also expressed in Tao Te Ching. These are but a few examples to show striking similarities between thoughts reflected in Walden and those preached by Daoism. The book Walden is a manifest demonstration of Daoism. This writing intends to take a minute and comparative look at Daoism. in Walden.
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