Effect of cooling rate on the crystallization behavior of perovskite in high titanium-bearing blast

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanyucomputer
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The effect of cooling rate on the crystallization of perovskite in high Ti-bearing blast furnace(BF) slag was studied using confocal scanning laser microscopy(CSLM). Results showed that perovskite was the primary phase formed during the cooling of slag. On the slag surface, the growth of perovskite proceeded via the successive production of quasi-particles along straight lines, which further extended in certain directions. The morphology and structure of perovskite was found to vary as a function of cooling rate. At cooling rates of 10 and 30 K/min, the dendritic arms of perovskite crossed obliquely, while they were orthogonal at a cooling rate of 20 K/min and hexagonal at cooling rates of 40 and 50 K/min. These three crystal morphologies thus obtained at different cooling rates respectively corresponded to the orthorhombic, cubic and hexagonal crystal structures of perovskite. The observed change in the structure of perovskite could probably be attributed to the deficiency of O2?, when Ti2O3 was involved in the formation of perovskite. The effect of cooling rate on the crystallization of perovskite in high-Ti-bearing blast furnace (BF) slag was studied using confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Results showed that perovskite was the primary phase formed during the cooling of slag. surface, the growth of perovskite proceeded via the successive production of quasi-particles along straight lines, which further extended in certain directions. The morphology and structure of perovskite was found to vary as a function of cooling rate. K / min, the dendritic arms of perovskite crossed obliquely, while they were orthogonal at a cooling rate of 20 K / min and hexagonal at cooling rates of 40 and 50 K / min. to the orthorhombic, cubic and hexagonal crystal structures of perovskite. The observed change in the structure of perovskite could probably be attributed to the deficiency of O2 ?, whe n Ti2O3 was involved in the formation of perovskite.
建立采用Taqman MGB实时荧光PCR法快速定量检测水产品中沙门氏菌.根据沙门氏菌fimY基因保守序列,设计引物和Taqman MGB探针,建立Taqman MGB实时PCR定量检测体系.采用本方法对