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在一些人眼里,交通民警的工作就是管理社会上各种车辆和驾驶员,在岗台上站着指挥南来北往的行人、车辆,既轻松、又神气。其实,站在岗台上远不是人们想象的那样轻松、舒服,交通民警的工作可以用“脏、乱、差、难”四个字来概括。风吹日晒不说,还得呼吸着南来北往的各种汽车尾管排出的废气和车辆卷起的尘土。 交通警是站在群众眼皮底下的执法者,要真正做到“为人民服务,对人民负责,请人民监督,让人民满意”,首先必须坚持做到依法管理,文明执勤。这些年来,我坚持纠正违章先敬礼,违章处罚先说理,工作失误先赔礼,把管理与服务辩证地结合起来,以管理保服务,以服务促管理。在执勤中根据不同的年龄,不同的职业,不同的特点,动之以情,晓之以理,对症下药,依法办事。对于有些缺乏法律意识的违章人,着重教育,推心置腹地向其讲明法律规定,坚持以理服人,以教育为主,对那些明知故犯甚至蛮不讲理的人,采取“以冷对热”“以静制动”的方法,先 In the eyes of some people, the traffic police work is to manage all kinds of vehicles and drivers in the community. On the platform, there are pedestrians and vehicles that direct the traffic from south to north to both ease and energy. In fact, standing on the post is far beyond the ease and comfort of people’s imagination. The work of traffic police can be summed up in the words “dirty, messy, poor, difficult.” The wind and the sun do not say, have to breathe South and North of the various tail pipe exhaust emissions and vehicle roll up the dust. Traffic police are law enforcement officials standing under the noses of the people. To truly serve the people, they are responsible to the people, supervise the people and satisfy the people. First of all, we must uphold the principle of managing according to law and carrying out civilized duty. Over the years, I have insisted on rectifying the first salute of illegality, punishing illegally the punishment first, and compensating the mistakes of work first, combining management with service in a dialectical way to manage the service and promote the service with service. In duty according to different age, different occupations, different characteristics, moving in love, dawn of reason, the right medicine, according to law. For those illegal people who lack awareness of the law, they focus on education and push their own laws and regulations to the principle of obeying the law. They persist in persuading people with reason and taking education as their principle, and take “cold and heat” as opposed to those who knowingly or even unreasonablely “ To static braking ”approach, first
开发设计了Φ3.2m×5.3m润磨机,对铁精矿粉进行润磨,有效降低膨润土的添加量,提高生球强度,降低炼铁成本。还可以用于其它含有一定水份粉状物料的半干式粉磨。 Development
“当了副队长,我感到肩上的担子更重了,因为我要对队里的100多个生命负责,要对矿上下达的生产任务负责,还不能辜负领导和职工对我的信任与厚望……” “When I became vice
目前,评定胸神经根和胸髓损伤的医学电诊断技术很多,但理想的方法极少。本研究报告采用肋间体感诱发电位(SEPs),评估单侧和节段肋间神经的功能。 方法 无症状正常人30名,男