北京之为中国之都城已有七百多年的历史了,诚可谓久具传统的国家政治中心。1949年,当中国共产党的领导人们在北京宣告中华人民共和国成立时,他们是利用了人们依然清晰记得北京乃中华帝国之最后国都这一因素。如果认为北京只是在不长的历史时期内崛起为政治中心,那是与史实不符的。辛亥革命推翻了满族统治,并将临时首都设在南京,其用意在某种程度上是要与北京的外族联系决裂。北京是由来自中亚并先后入主中原的几个少数民族(契丹、女真和蒙古) 建为首都的;只是在明初它才被纳入汉族人的统治范围内。明王朝在推翻蒙古政权的革命中诞生, 并于1368年在南京首先建都。它之所以最终于十五世纪初叶移都北京,不是因为北京城的京都声
Beijing has been the capital of China for more than 700 years and can be described as long standing as a traditional national political center. When the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Beijing in 1949, they took advantage of the fact that people still vividly remember Beijing as the last nation of the Chinese Empire. If Beijing is thought to have risen to political center only within a short period of history, it is not in accordance with historical facts. The Revolution of 1911 overthrew the Manchu rule and set up the interim capital in Nanjing, intended to some extent to break with the alien relations in Beijing. Beijing was capitalized by several ethnic minorities (Khitan, Jurchen and Mongolia) from Central Asia who successively headed into the Central Plains. It was only in the early Ming that it was included in the Han rule. The Ming dynasty was born in the revolution that overthrew the Mongol regime and was first capitalized in Nanjing in 1368. It eventually moved to Beijing in the early fifteenth century, not because of the capital of Beijing