Comparison of vibrations induced by excavation of deep-buried cavern and open pit with method of ben

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoujans
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The measured data of vibrations induced by excavation of deep-buried cavern and open pit with method of bench blasting were analyzed by Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform,and the characteristics of vibrations induced under these two circumstances were studied.It is concluded that with the similar rock condition and drilling-blasting parameters,vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern has a higher main frequency and more scattered energy distribution than that in open pit.The vibration induced by bench blasting in open pit is mainly originated from the blast load,while the vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern is the superposition of vibrations induced by blast load and transient release of in-situ stress.The vibration induced by transient release of in-situ stress increases with the stress level. The measured data of vibrations induced by excavation of deep-buried cavern and open pit with method of bench blasting were analyzed by Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform, and the characteristics of vibrations induced under these two atmospheres were studied. It is said that with similar rock condition and drilling-blasting parameters, vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern has a higher main frequency and more scattered energy distribution than that in open pit. vibration induced by bench blasting in open pit is mainly originated from the blast load , while the vibration induced by bench blasting in deep-buried cavern is the superposition of vibrations induced by blast load and transient release of in-situ stress.The vibration induced by transient release of in-situ stress increases with the stress level.
1966年12月1日,国民党四星上将自崇禧暴毙在床,原因扑朔迷离。20多年后,曾参与谋杀的台湾军统特务重要头目谷正文在新加坡《联合晚报》上撰文,揭开了白氏暴死内幕。 蒋介石
动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病是糖尿病最常见的并发症,而患者高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL)水平和功能是影响AS发生发展的重要指标之一。本文旨在探讨吡格列酮与