深化思想认识 改进统计工作

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今年1月,国务院总理李鹏同志在与出席全国统计工作会议的代表座谈时强调“统计是国家实行科学决策和科学管理的一项重要基础工作,是党、政府和人民认识国情国力、决定国策、制定计划的重要依据,在国家宏观调控和监督体系中,具有非常重要的地位和作用。……统计就是保证决策民主化、科学化的一个重要方面。因此,我们的各级领导干部都应充分认识统计工作的重要作用,要在工作中学会并善于运用统计进行科学决策和管理。”在我国实现第二步战略目标的进程中,统计工作认真贯彻落实李鹏同志讲话要求,对于深化统计改革、加强统计工作无疑具有十分重要的意义。统计工作者的任务,就是要在马克思列宁主义毛泽东思想指导下,探索一条具有中国特色的、适应现代化建设需要的、适合中国国情的统计发展道路。 In January this year, Comrade Li Peng, premier of the State Council, in his discussion with delegates attending the national statistical work conference emphasized that “statistics are an important basic task for the state in implementing scientific decision-making and scientific management. It is the recognition by the party, government and people of the national strength and state power, The important basis for formulating the plan plays a very important role and role in the system of state macro-control and supervision .... Statistics are an important aspect of ensuring the democratization and scientification of decision-making and therefore our leading cadres at all levels should be fully To understand the important role of statistical work, we must learn from work and be good at using statistics for scientific decision-making and management. ”In the course of our realization of the second-step strategic goal, the statistical work conscientiously implemented the requirements of Comrade Li Peng’s speech and deepened the reform in statistics, Strengthening statistical work undoubtedly has very important significance. Under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung’s thought, the task of statisticians is to explore a road of statistical development with Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of the modernization drive and is suitable for China’s national conditions.
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