Increased urbanization reduced the effectiveness of school closures on seasonal influenza epidemics

来源 :贫困所致传染病(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lf7891
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Background::School closure is a common mitigation strategy during severe influenza epidemics and pandemics. However, the effectiveness of this strategy remains controversial. In this study, we aimed to explore the effectiveness of school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics in provincial-level administrative divisions (PLADs) with varying urbanization rates in China.Methods::This study analyzed influenza surveillance data between 2010 and 2019 provided by the Chinese National Influenza Center. Taking into consideration the climate, this study included a region with 3 adjacent PLADs in Northern China and another region with 4 adjacent PLADs in Southern China. The effect of school closure on influenza transmission was evaluated by the reduction of the effective reproductive number of seasonal influenza during school winter breaks compared with that before school winter breaks. An age-structured Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible (SIRS) model was built to model influenza transmission in different levels of urbanization. Parameters were determined using the surveillance data via robust Bayesian method.Results::Between 2010 and 2019, in the less urbanized provinces: Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui, during school winter breaks, the effective reproductive number of seasonal influenza epidemics reduced 14.6% [95% confidential interval (n CI): 6.2-22.9%], 9.6% (95% n CI: 2.5-16.6%), 7.3% (95% n CI: 0.1-14.4%) and 8.2% (95% n CI: 1.1-15.3%) respectively. However, in the highly urbanized cities: Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, it reduced only 5.2% (95% n CI: -0.7-11.2%), 4.1% (95% n CI: -0.9-9.1%) and 3.9% (95% n CI: -1.6-9.4%) respectively. In China, urbanization is associated with decreased proportion of children and increased social contact. According to the SIRS model, both factors could reduce the impact of school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics, and the proportion of children in the population is thought to be the dominant influencing factor.n Conclusions::Effectiveness of school closure on the epidemics varies with the age structure in the population and social contact patterns. School closure should be recommended in the low urbanized regions in China in the influenza seasons.“,”Background::School closure is a common mitigation strategy during severe influenza epidemics and pandemics. However, the effectiveness of this strategy remains controversial. In this study, we aimed to explore the effectiveness of school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics in provincial-level administrative divisions (PLADs) with varying urbanization rates in China.Methods::This study analyzed influenza surveillance data between 2010 and 2019 provided by the Chinese National Influenza Center. Taking into consideration the climate, this study included a region with 3 adjacent PLADs in Northern China and another region with 4 adjacent PLADs in Southern China. The effect of school closure on influenza transmission was evaluated by the reduction of the effective reproductive number of seasonal influenza during school winter breaks compared with that before school winter breaks. An age-structured Susceptible-Infected-Recovered-Susceptible (SIRS) model was built to model influenza transmission in different levels of urbanization. Parameters were determined using the surveillance data via robust Bayesian method.Results::Between 2010 and 2019, in the less urbanized provinces: Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui, during school winter breaks, the effective reproductive number of seasonal influenza epidemics reduced 14.6% [95% confidential interval (n CI): 6.2-22.9%], 9.6% (95% n CI: 2.5-16.6%), 7.3% (95% n CI: 0.1-14.4%) and 8.2% (95% n CI: 1.1-15.3%) respectively. However, in the highly urbanized cities: Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai, it reduced only 5.2% (95% n CI: -0.7-11.2%), 4.1% (95% n CI: -0.9-9.1%) and 3.9% (95% n CI: -1.6-9.4%) respectively. In China, urbanization is associated with decreased proportion of children and increased social contact. According to the SIRS model, both factors could reduce the impact of school closure on seasonal influenza epidemics, and the proportion of children in the population is thought to be the dominant influencing factor.n Conclusions::Effectiveness of school closure on the epidemics varies with the age structure in the population and social contact patterns. School closure should be recommended in the low urbanized regions in China in the influenza seasons.
目的探讨3D打印技术在儿童腹膜后神经母细胞瘤(NB)精准切除术中的应用价值。方法选取2017年3月至2019年12月河南省人民医院小儿外科收治的11例腹膜后NB患儿,患儿术前均行全腹部平扫+增强CT扫描,将原始数据导入mimics 20软件进行处理,使用多层编辑、阈值调节、区域增长、3D编辑等命令重建出肿瘤及周围重要血管,输出标准化的3D打印stl格式文件,通过3D打印机打印出肿瘤模型。根据3D重
摘要: 本文通过对变电站电缆沟水位简易远程监控系统的应用,通过数据采集部分、数据无线发射部分、数据接收显示部分能够对不同的水位发出报警提示,实时监测到电缆沟水位,及时启动排水装置,确保电缆沟内各种电缆的安全运行,启到方便、快捷的作用,有效提高工作效率。  关键词: 电缆沟;远程监控;应用  一、变电站电缆沟现状  在电力系统中,室外电缆沟一般不做防水,电缆沟内设电缆支架,电缆放置于支架上,一般在电
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摘要: 基于近几年用2004年清华大学出版社出版的《工科物理试题库》对我院学员进行测试的答卷分析,探讨了长期以来用旧题库命题时出现的“高分低能”现象;结合当前我院教员在大学物理课堂上采取的新举措,阐述了新形势下在新题库中设计能力素质题型的重要意义,并对此类题型进行了初步设计,提供了一些佐证相关题型的参考试题与解答,最后对未来新题库的能力素质大题型进行了展望。相关命题思想及题例分析仅供高校同行们参考
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