一份报刊的定位是否得当,从一开始就决定了这份报刊的生存空间。这是我在实践操作中的切身体会。 近3年间,我先后担任了周报《商海周末》的主编及月刊《化工管理》的执行副主编。同是倾力倾心付出,两者效果却截然不同:前者读者反响热热闹闹,喝采声不绝于耳,却因见不到经济效益而被迫改弦易辙;后者专业性强,读者圈子也小,在几乎白手起家的情况下,却仅用半年就自给自足还略有盈余。
The proper positioning of a newspaper determines the newspaper’s living space from the very beginning. This is my personal experience in practice. In the recent three years, I have successively served as editor in chief of Weekly “Weekend on Business” and executive deputy editor of “Chemical Management” in the monthly magazine. The same is the effort to pay, the effect of the two are completely different: the former reader reverberation, cheers never cease to be heard, but because of economic benefits and was forced to change course; the latter is specialized, the reader circle is small, almost When you start from scratch, you earn a little surplus in only half a year.