
来源 :中国保安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzhipengo
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策划人语在2007年11月28日中国保安协会第三届理事会第三次常务理事会议上,中国保安协会会长罗锋提出,要“大力开展调查研究”。调查研究,是当前保安行业一项十分必要而紧迫的工作。2008年,《保安服务业管理条例》的出台,北京奥运会的召开,统一开放竞争有序的行业市场的进一步形成与完善,对全行业来说,意味着新的机遇、新的使命、新的挑战。这就要求全行业动起来,对改革发展和行业企业自身要有新认识,新思路、新举措。这个“新”从哪里来?就需要开展调查研究。没有调查就没有发言权。否则,任何发展企划都是无源之水、闭门造车。保安企业是保安行业的最基本单元。行业的问题,说到底是企业的问题;行业的改革,说到底是企业的改革;行业发展方针政策的成功与否,说到底应该以是否有利于企业发展,有利于最大多数企业实力的增强为评价标准。保安业的改革发展,出发点和落脚点都是保安企业。2008年,本刊将采用调查纪实的手法,透视部分保安企业发展的现状、发展中遇到的难题以及未来企业经营方略。我们希望以此搭建一个企业交流借鉴的平台,一方面展示企业发展中好的做法,另一方面剖析问题,探求解决的途径。 Planning language In November 28, 2007 the third meeting of the China Security Association Third Executive Council meeting, Luo Feng, president of China Security Association proposed to “vigorously carry out research ”. Investigation and research are a very necessary and urgent task for the security industry at present. In 2008, the promulgation of the Regulations on the Administration of Security Services, the Beijing Olympic Games and the further opening and perfection of a unified, open and competitive market for the industry mean new opportunities, new missions and new challenge. This requires that the entire industry move up, and should have new understanding, new ideas and new measures for the reform and development and for the enterprises in the industry themselves. Where does this “new” come from, research needs to be done. No investigation, no right to speak. Otherwise, any development plan is a passive water, behind closed doors. Security business is the most basic unit of the security industry. The question of the industry is, in the final analysis, the question of the enterprise. The reform of the industry is, after all, the reform of the enterprise. The success or failure of the industrial development guidelines and policies should, in the end, be based on whether it is conducive to the development of the enterprise and is conducive to enhancing the strength of the overwhelming majority of enterprises evaluation standard. Security industry reform and development, the starting point and the end result are security companies. In 2008, this publication will adopt the method of investigating and documenting, reveal the status quo of the development of some security companies, the problems encountered in the development and the business strategies of the future. We hope to build a platform for business communication and reference, on the one hand to demonstrate good practices in the development of enterprises, on the other hand to analyze problems and explore ways to solve them.
小张、小王、小刘作为A厂的三个笔杆子,孙厂长要在他们中间选一名秘书。 A厂昨日发生了火灾,三人各自写了一把新闻稿,都拿来请孙厂 Xiao Zhang, Xiao Wang, Xiao Liu as th