发挥自身优势 壮大林场经济

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秦皇岛市地处河北省东北部,北依燕山,南临渤海,东邻辽宁,西近京津,是我国首批十四个沿海开放城市之一。全市共有六个国营林场,除海滨林场是市林业局直属外,其余均为县区所属,这些林场都是建于五、六十年代的老场,其中三个林场地处沿海地区,三个林场地处北部山区。六个国营林场有林地面积共有14076公顷,宜林荒山荒滩4743公顷,林木蓄积量896433立方米,职工人数为710人,其中在职职工575人,离退休人员135人。随着我国改革开放的建设步伐,以及市经济的逐步发展壮大,特别是秦皇岛市被列为沿海开放城市以来,各国营林场 Qinhuangdao City is located in the northeast of Hebei Province, Yanshan Mountain in the north, Bohai Sea in the south, Liaoning in the east and Beijing-Tianjin in the west. It is one of the first fourteen coastal open cities in China. The city has a total of six state-owned forest farms, in addition to Haibin forest market directly under the Municipal Bureau of Forestry, the rest are owned by the county, these are all built in the fifties and sixties of the old farm, of which three are farmland in the coastal areas, three Forest farm is located in the northern mountains. The six state-owned forest farms have a total area of ​​14,076 hectares of forest land and 4,743 hectares of wasteland of barren hills and forests. There are 89,643 hectares of forest reserves and a staff of 710, of which 575 are employed and 135 retirees. With the pace of construction of China’s reform and opening up and the gradual development and expansion of the city’s economy, Qinhuangdao City, in particular, has been listed as a coastal open city,
文章要无翼而飞、不胫而走 ,没有一个好的摘要是不可想象的 ,无论文章多好均如此 ,在信息时代尤其如此。同样 ,期刊要走向世界、要提高影响影因子 ,也须文摘开路。而摘要编写
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