智慧是大脑高级中枢的特有功能,眼力是视觉系统的独家效应,二者在具体运作中既有区别又有联系,时常显示异曲同工相辅相成妙趣。 研究证实,人的视觉运作可反映本人的智力水平。智商高者视觉加工形成速度快质量高,智商低者则视觉反应迟钝眼神呆滞。有人测知智慧反应和视觉加工速度快慢,同年龄和环境相关。4岁幼童完成每个观察视点需要时间500毫秒。随着年龄增长接触面不断扩大,完成每个视点的时间逐步缩短,12岁儿童完成每个视点只需250毫秒。进入青年时代后视觉加工速度时间显慢,据测80岁老人完成每个视标时间会延长到285毫秒左右。
Wisdom is the unique function of the high center of the brain. Eyesight is the exclusive effect of the visual system. Both are different in the specific operation and are related to each other. Studies confirm that the visual operation of a person can reflect my intelligence level. High IQ high speed visual processing of the formation of high-quality, low IQ of the visual reaction dull eyes glaze. Some people know the wisdom of response and visual processing speed, with age and environment-related. 4-year-old children to complete each observation point of view takes 500 milliseconds. As you grow older, your time to reach each viewpoint is gradually shortened, and your 12-year-olds need 250 milliseconds to complete each viewpoint. Into the youth after the visual processing speed was slow, it is reported that 80-year-old completion of each visual target time will be extended to about 285 milliseconds.