A study on the protection of biodiversity resources in Micangshan Forest Park in northeast of Sichua

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:samsam1005
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The Micangshan Forest Park is located in the northeast edge of the Sichuan Basin. The wild animals and plants resources are rich and the ecosystem is integrity. There are well-preserved areas of native biological communities. Its strip and the region decided that on the one hand biological diversity is rich; on the other hand, there is its unique ecological fragility. Once it is destroyed, it would be very difficult to restore. In order to protect the ecological environment of wild animal and plant habitats and wild animal and plant resources, this paper uses quadrat survey procedure to carry on the investigation. In the Micangshan Forest Park’s typical land sector the author establishes the sample area of 20 m×20 m to invest the tree layer of plant species and builds five 2 m×2 m the small quadrats along the type place’s diagonal line machinery to invest bush level and the field layer floristic component. Again according to the Micangshan Forest Park’s terrain, the vegetation and the difference humanity interference condition, the autor builds the different quantities separately the line transect to invest the animal type. This article through to eastern Sichuan Province north the Micangshan forest park biodiversity resources investigation, has analyzed the biodiversity protection work present situation and the existence question, and put forward the proposal to the next protection work. The wild animals and plants resources are rich and the ecosystem is integrity. There are well-preserved areas of native biological communities. Its strip and the region decided that on the one on the other hand, there is its unique ecological fragility. Once it is destroyed, it would be very difficult to restore. In order to protect the ecological environment of wild animal and plant habitats and wild animal and plant resources , this paper uses quadrat survey procedure to carry on the investigation. In the Micangshan Forest Park’s typical land sector the author establishes the sample area of ​​20 m × 20 m to invest the tree layer of plant species and builds five 2 m × 2 m the small quadrats along the type place’s diagonal line machinery to invest bush level and the field layer floristic component. Again according to the Micangshan Forest Park’s terrain, the vegetation and th e difference humanity interference condition, the autor builds the different kinds separate the the line transect to invest the animal type. This article through to eastern Sichuan Province north the Micangshan forest park biodiversity resources investigation, has the the biodiversity protection work present situation and the existence question , and put forward the proposal to the next protection work.
身体素质  约什·史密斯是个十足的暴跳男,原地摸高能达到2.71米,最大垂直起跳为1米,看过他在扣篮大赛时的表现的都知道这点。不过这也让史密斯进入了一个让人讨厌的规律,即跑跳天才往往技术粗糙。优秀的身体素质的确让史密斯成为了联盟里最具侵略性的弹簧人之一,再加上优秀的身高和臂展,让他成为了联盟里暴扣集锦的专业批发商。事实上,以史密斯的素质,他应该能成为一个全能的三双王,不过对于教练的安排执行力不够,
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2012-13赛季NBA年度进步最快球员——保罗·乔治  传说,在远古时期的英格兰有一座城堡,堡主有一个女儿生的十分貌美善良,但不幸这件事被附近的一条恶龙知道了,并威逼堡主将女儿献给它作为祭品。堡主不敢得罪这个恶魔,只好无奈地答应,然而就在这条恶龙洋洋得意的准备接受这份祭品时,上帝的骑士圣乔治以主之名突然出现,经过一番激烈的搏斗,圣乔治终于将凶残的恶龙杀掉,同时散尽一地的龙血也渐渐化为一个十字型。
前尘往事  对于皮尔斯来说,有些往事不堪回首,特别是与特里有关的那段大学篮球回忆。  1997年的NCAA甜蜜十六强,皮尔斯和特里以对手的身份碰到一起。  当时,皮尔斯所在的堪萨斯捷鹰队在之前取得了34胜1负的绝佳战绩,自然而然地成为了夺冠的最大热门,再加上他们拥有皮尔斯、拉弗伦茨、雅克·沃恩、斯科特·波拉德与杰洛德·哈斯这五名堪萨斯校史上最出色的先发。皮尔斯成为了现在的准名人堂成员,而拉弗伦茨、
<正> 中国加拿大研究会第五届年会于1992年8月10日至16日在呼和浩特举行.加拿大驻华大使毕尔德为本届年会召开及加拿大电视周、印第安艺术家的演出举行盛大招待会.我国各地学者和加拿大、日本代表共94人与会,向年会宣读题材广泛、内容丰富的论文81篇.按论文篇数排列,分别为文学、经济、教育、文化、历史、语言、外交、民族、情报、法律及科技.从中将精