
来源 :当代经理人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danan1414
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China’s economy has melted into the globalization wave day by day for these five years, and as to the China’s enterprises, it is a predesti- nated voyage without the leeway. The market is expanding continuously, but the profit is becom- ing smaller and smaller; the competi- tors fall down one by one, meanwhile, the new competitors are emerging ceaselessly; the manage- ment becomes more and more standardized, whereas, the loops of management are numerous as well. All the above means China enterprises are experiencing an unprecedented growth changing situation. And the facing problem at present is to find a breakthrough point to build a wide platform for the growth. The 9th China Growing Annual Summit, the 5th China Top GrowING 100 Award Ceremony hosted by Con- temporary Manager opened in Beijing, the high government officials, business elites and famous scholars all got together to give a grand thought feast, exchanging the thought of strategies and ways to succeed the breakthrough force. China’s economy has melted into the globalization wave day by day for these five years, and as to the China’s enterprises, it is a predesti- nated voyage without the leeway. The market is expanding continuously, but the profit is becom- ing smaller and smaller ; the competi- tors fall down one by one, meanwhile, the new competitors are emerging ceaselessly; the manage- ment becomes more and more standardized, but, the loops of management are numerous as well. all the above means china enterprises are experiencing an unprecedented growth changing situation. And the facing problem at present is to find a breakthrough point to build a wide platform for the growth. The 9th China Growing Annual Summit, the 5th China Top Growing 100 Award Ceremony hosted by Con- temporary Manager opened in Beijing , the high government officials, business elites and famous scholars all got together to give a grand thought feast, exchanging the thought of strategies and ways to succeed the breakthrough force.
古语有云:天时不如地利。  “三里之城,七里之郭,环而攻之而不胜。夫环而攻之,必有得天时者矣;然而不胜者,是天时不如地利也。”(语出《孟子·公孙丑下》)战争如此,商海亦是如此。创业环境对创业者来说是一个需要慎重考虑的问题,甚至是一个决定成败的根本问题,在融资环境、舆论环境、投资环境等创业环境相对完善的城市里创业,创业者的成功机率更大。选择了一个良好的创业环境,无异于走上了一条最接近成功的路!  “
电子白板为学校教学提供了新的技术手段,为学生能力的拓展创造了新的可能。根据工作经验,着力探讨交互式电子白板在小学数学中的优势,以期促进电子白板的普及。 The whitebo