
来源 :水利水运科学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fly_wing
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本文根据滩性分析,提出了疏炸与治导相结合的整治原则,在分析西津水位调节对滩河段影响的基础上,对设计方案在水位、流态、输沙等方面进行了全面试验。并根据试验中反映出的问题,对整治线宽度、炸礁范围等方面提出修改方案,试验表明:修改方案Ⅱ实施后,滩位比降增大,航槽输沙能力明显增强,水流平顺,沿程横流亦在允许范围内,工程效果明显。为了进一步论证工程方案的泥沙输移的效果,还进行了整治前后定床输沙对比试验。试验表明修改方案Ⅱ是可行的。 Based on the analysis of the beach, this article put forward the principle of remediation combining the diverting and dredging. Based on the analysis of the influence of the water level adjustment of Xijin on the beach section, the paper comprehensively tested the design scheme in the aspects of water level, flow regime and sediment transport . Based on the problems reflected in the experiment, the paper proposes a modification plan for the width of the pipeline and the scope of the reef. The test shows that after the implementation of Modification Ⅱ, the ratio of the beach slope increases, the sediment transport capacity of the navigation channel is obviously enhanced, Cross-flow is also within the allowable range, the project effect is obvious. In order to further demonstrate the effect of sediment transport in the project plan, a comparison test of bed sediment transport before and after remediation was carried out. Experiments show that it is feasible to modify Scheme II.
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