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朱子《四书章句集注》的问世,标志着“四书学”的形成,此后的中国思想史,主要在“四书学”的框架内绵延展开,以迄于今。现代的朱子四书学研究采用哲学诠释为主,经学为辅的进路,在《四书集注》的内在研究、学术史研究、专题研究方面有所收获。而宋元以来800年的朱子四书学研究则异彩纷呈,就发展阶段论,呈现出由南宋之“铨择刊润”、少有发明到元代凸显作者见解、阐发与批判兼具,再至明清趋于保守凝固的变化历程。从诠释样式论,有考据派、义理派、综合派、科举派。从研究态度论,有维护阐发型、批评指摘型、自我发明型。从诠释体裁论,有集编、纂疏、笺证、通旨、章图、经疑等。从诠释目的论,则致力于阐发《集注》原意,疏通辨析朱子早晚异同之说,力求归于一是。未来的朱子四书研究应在已有成果基础上融合经学诠释与哲学诠释两种方式,以求朱子四书之是为根基,深入挖掘朱子四书学的理论内涵,实现与现代思想的对接与转化。 The advent of Zhu Zi’s “Four Books and Ancestral Annotations” marks the formation of the “Four Calligraphy Studies”. Since then, the history of Chinese thought has been extended mainly within the framework of “Four Calligraphy Studies”. The modern study of Zhu Xi’s book study mainly uses philosophical hermeneutics and supplemented by Confucian classics. It gained some achievements in the internal research, academic history research and special subject study of The Four Books Annotation. In the 800 years since the Song and Yuan dynasties, the study on Zhu Xi and four books has many splendor. On the stage of development, the study shows that “ Then to the Ming and Qing Dynasties tend to conservative changes in the course of solidification. From the interpretation of style theory, there is research school, justice school, comprehensive school, imperial examination school. From the research attitude, there are maintenance elucidation type, criticism type, self-invention type. From the interpretation of genre theory, there are editors, compilers, testimony, general purpose, chart, suspect and so on. From the interpretation of Skopos theory, it is devoted to elucidating the original meaning of ”Focusing on Notes" and to clarifying the difference between the early and the late Judiu. In the future, the study of Zhuzi’s four books should integrate two ways of the study of Confucianism and philosophical interpretation on the basis of the existing achievements so as to seek the foundation of Zhuzi’s four books and dig out the theoretical connotation of Zhuzi’s study of the Four Books so as to realize the connection and transformation with modern thought.
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