配套联动 规范管理 落实政策——利津县机关事业单位社会保险工作管理规范

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利津县机关事业保险处1993年成立,当时只开展了机关事业单位合同制工人和乡镇聘用制干部的养老保险统筹业务。1995年1月,随着全县机关事业单位在职职工全员养老保险统筹工作的全面铺开,该处担负起全县150余个独立核算机关事业单位、7251名在职职工的养老保险统筹业务及1180名离退休人员离退休金发放工作。在人手少、业务量大的情况下,克服了重重困难,对内依靠改革完善内部管理体制,规范管理程序;对外采取灵活多样的方式方法,使全县的机关事业保险工作不断迈上新台阶。截至去年6月底,共收缴基金3169万元,支付离退休金2976万元,投保率、收缴率、发放率均达到100%。基金收缴是能否将各项政策落实到位的关键,也是机关事业保险工作的重点和难点。许多人对机关事业养老保险缺乏应有的认识,没有树立起“大保险”意识。为此,他们除利用广播、电视、报刊等新闻媒体进行宣传外, Lijin County Department of Institutional Insurance was established in 1993, when only carried out the organs and units of contract workers and township hired cadres of the pension insurance co-ordinating business. January 1995, with the county government agencies and institutions fully staff pension insurance work in full swing, which takes charge of the county more than 150 independent accounting organs and institutions, 7251 serving staff of the pension insurance co-ordination business and 1180 retirees retirement payment work. In the case of small manpower and large amount of business, the company has overcome numerous difficulties, relied on reform to improve its internal management system and standardized management procedures; adopted a flexible and diversified approach to the outside world, so that the entire county’s insurance business for organs and agencies has been continuously promoted to a new level . As of the end of June last year, a total of 31.69 million yuan fund collection, pension paid 29.76 million yuan, the insured rate, the collection rate, the issuance rate reached 100%. The collection of funds is the key to whether all policies are put in place and also the focus and difficulty of the insurance work of government agencies and institutions. Many people lack the due recognition of the pension insurance of the government agencies and do not have the awareness of “big insurance”. To this end, in addition to using radio, television, newspapers and other news media for publicity,
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