在宁夏 跨界生活的移民

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2012年,宁夏吴忠市红寺堡区政府对面修起了一座移民博物馆,全面真实地呈现了宁夏历史上的数次大移民。30年来,宁夏通过吊庄移民、易地扶贫移民和生态移民、中部干旱带县内移民等措施,让中南部地区总计66万的贫困农民迁移到了生产条件、生态环境较好的地区。这座博物馆与不远处的生态移民文化广场遥相呼应,使红寺堡区成为我国反映古今中外生态移民和移民文化的展示交流中心。 In 2012, opposite to the government of Hongsipu District in Wuzhong City, Ningxia, an immigrant museum was repaired, fully and truly presenting several large-scale immigrants in the history of Ningxia. Over the past 30 years, Ningxia has relocated a total of 660,000 poor peasants in the central and southern regions to areas with better production conditions and better ecological environment through such measures as the relocation of Zhuangzhuang, the easing of poverty alleviation and eco-immigration and the immigration in the central arid zone. The museum echoes the ecological immigrant cultural plaza that is not far away, making Hongsipu District a display exchange center in our country that reflects the ecological immigration and immigration culture at all times and in all countries.
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A signal processing method for the friction-based endpoint detection system of a chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) process is presented.The signal process meth
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1 病历报告  患者 ,男 ,80岁。因左乳腺肿物 8年就诊 ,门诊以左乳腺肿物性质待查收入院。患者于 8年前在某县医院行右乳腺癌根治术 ,病理会诊 :右乳腺乳头状腺癌。当时发
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以灰木莲(Manglietia glauca)、尖叶杜英(Elaeocarpus apiculatus)、蒲桃(Syzygium jambos)和乐昌含笑(Michelia chapensis)4种园林绿化树种的幼苗为研究对象,对其淹水胁迫处理下的光