周密部署 扎实推进 切实保障世博会流通环节食品安全

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作为流通环节食品安全整治重要组成部分的世博食品安全保障对上海工商乃至全国工商系统来说,都是一次重大考验。本届世博会时间之长、游客之多、规格之高、监管难度之大,都可谓前所未有。在构建覆盖全程可追溯的食品安全保障体系的基础上,上海市工商部门积极制定方案预案,依法实施许可,严格审核评估,实施驻点监管,较好地保障了上海市,特别是世博园区内消费者的餐饮安全。截至目前,世博园区内没有发生集体性食物中毒事故和其他食品安全事件,园区食品处于安全可控状态。5月18日,上海世博会主运行指挥部公共卫生和医疗组食品安全保障部专门致函上海市工商局表示感谢,致谢函中称,“贵局领导精心组织、亲临一线,职能部门恪尽职守,全体监管人员日夜奋战,从试运行到正式开园,从开幕式到各项重大活动保障,从供博食用农产品基地到中心厨房、配送中心监管,从服务指导参展者到切实维护消费者权益,食品安全得到有效保障。”为阶段性总结上海工商系统服务世博食品安全的经验,及时反映流通环节食品安全整治的新做法、新成绩,本刊约请上海工商部门撰文介绍世博开幕两个月来的相关举措和思考,以为工商系统流通环节食品安全整治提供新思路、新借鉴。 As an important part of food safety regulation in circulation, the food safety guarantee for the Expo is a major test for Shanghai’s business administration and even the national business system. This World Expo will take a long time, many tourists, high specifications, the difficulty of supervision is unprecedented. On the basis of building a traceable food safety guarantee system covering all aspects of the project, Shanghai’s business sector proactively formulated plans and implemented permits according to law, rigorous examination and assessment, and implementation of station-based supervision so as to better protect Shanghai, especially the Expo Site Consumer dining safety. Up to now, there are no collective food poisoning incidents and other food safety incidents in the Expo Site, and the park food is in a safe and controllable state. May 18, Shanghai World Expo Main Operational Command of the Ministry of Public Health and Medical Group Food Safety and Security Department wrote a letter to the Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Bureau expressed his thanks to the letter of thanks, “leadership of your bureau carefully organized, visit the front line, functional departments to fulfill their duties, The entire supervision staff fought day and night, from trial operation to the official opening of the park, from the opening ceremony to the protection of major events, from the edible agricultural products base to the center of the kitchen, distribution center supervision, service guide exhibitors to effectively safeguard the rights and interests of consumers, food Safety and effective protection. ”In order to summarize the experience of Shanghai World Foodstuffs System Expo food safety, timely reflect the circulation of food safety remediation of new practices, new achievements, the magazine invited the Shanghai Business sector author introduced the opening of the Expo two months Relevant measures and thinking, in order to circulation of food and beverage systems business management to provide new ideas, new lessons.
闪光名片王石,广西省柳州市人,1977年从兰州铁道学院给排水专业毕业。1983年到深圳经济特区发展公司工作,1984年组建 Flash card Wang Shi, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province
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