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在“双增双节”运动中,外交部行动迅速,对部内各单位的增收节支工作抓得很紧,他们本着少花钱,多办事,能缓则缓,能压则压的原则,提出了具体落实措施。在机关行政经费预算核批后,该部财务司对部分开支项目,如办公费、取暖费、业务费、交通费等,采取定额包干办法下达给有关单位,进行归口管理和控制。一、从严控制人员编制外交部是个编制未满的单位,原计划在1987年增加人员,以充实业务力量,但考虑到增人要相应地增加多项行政经费开支,就取消了这一计划。外交学会定编128人,现有100人,年初计划今年增加28人。为了节省经费开支,该学会通过采取对现有人员科学合理地安排和增加工作量等措施,决定不再增加人员。部机关锅炉室,由于工作量增加较多,原计划增雇5名取暖司炉工,他们通过对现有人员工作的合理安排,取消了增雇计划,全年可节约经费开 In the “double-increasing and double-knocking” campaign, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acted quickly and tightened its efforts to increase revenue and reduce expenditures in all units within the Ministry. They were willing to spend less, act more, ease things, ease things, and reduce pressure. The principle put forward specific implementation measures. After the approval of the government administrative budget, the Department of Finance of the Ministry of Finance has issued a quota and lump sum approach to some of the expenditure items such as office expenses, heating costs, business expenses and transportation expenses, etc., and has issued it to relevant units to carry out centralized management and control. 1. Strictly controlling personnel preparation The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a unit that has not yet completed its preparation. It was originally planned to increase personnel in 1987 to enrich its operational strength. However, this plan was cancelled in view of the need to increase the number of administrative expenses accordingly. . The Diplomatic Society has a total of 128 people and currently has 100 people. It plans to increase 28 people this year at the beginning of this year. In order to save expenses, the Institute decided to no longer increase personnel by adopting measures such as scientifically and rationally arranging and increasing the workload of existing personnel. In the boiler room of the ministry, due to the increase in the workload, the original plan was to increase the employment of 5 heating boiler workers. They eliminated the employment increase plan by rationalizing the work of existing personnel, and saved expenses throughout the year.
本文从研究所中配套部门工作实践,论述光学加工部门在光电研究所中的地位、新形势下开拓市场提高经济效益的途径,以及建立在充分调动人的积极性因素上的各项管理制度。 This