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Y轮是载货量15000t,马力11000匹的货船,该轮是从国外购进的一条旧船,投入营运后的第一个航次就在防台中发生了走锚以致后来搁浅的事故。 一、事故经过 1994年5月Y轮自我国北方港口装运玉米和水泥管回南方,先在海口港卸了水泥管,然后于6月3日靠泊湛江港卸玉米。6月7日下午引航员上船,通知船方有台风,并将船引出锚地防台,1846在湛江港10号锚地抛左锚6节入水。此时船上还剩1400多吨玉米没卸完。在此之前从船长到所有船员都不知道将有台风来袭,有关人员也没收听气象报告,在这之后,船上既不召开防台会议,也 The Y-round is a 15,000-tonne cargo ship with 11,000 horsepower. This round was an old vessel purchased from abroad. The first voyage after it was put into operation was an accident that took an anchor and subsequently ran aground. First, the accident After May 1994 Y round from the northern port of shipment of corn and cement pipe back to the south, the first unloading cement pipe in Haikou Port, and then docked in Zhanjiang Port on June 3 unloading corn. On the afternoon of June 7, the pilot aboard the ship informed the ship of a typhoon and led the ship out of the anchorage to prevent typhoons. In 1846, the left anchor was thrown into the water at anchor site No. 10 of Zhanjiang Port. At this point on board more than 1400 tons of corn left unfinished. Prior to this, neither the captain nor all the crew knew that a typhoon would occur and the officers did not listen to the weather report. After that, neither the ship nor the ship was held a conference on the prevention of typhoon.
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