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我国是一个少林国家,现有森林面积仅1.2亿公顷,与国土总面积和人口相比,远远落后于世界平均水平。因此计划内的采伐量不可能太多,很难满足国民经济对木材的需要。不仅如此,现有的森林资源还屡遭破坏,结果已严重地影响到一些主要流域的水土保持和整个国家的生态平衡。因此,加强林业建设、不断恢复和扩大森林资源,不仅是为子孙后代着想的长远之计,也是一项迫在眉睫的当务之急。在今后相当长的一个时期内,必须缩减采伐量,严禁乱砍滥伐,以控制森林资源的消耗,同时加强营林工作,确保森林资源的恢复和增长。此外,还必需发展木材的综合利用,以便用有限的资源,生产出更多更好的林产品,供应国民经济多方面的需要,缓和目前的供应紧张局面。 Our country is a Shaolin country. The existing forest area is only 120 million hectares. Compared with the total land area and population, our country lags far behind the world average. Therefore, it is impossible for the planned amount of logging to be too large to meet the needs of the national economy for timber. In addition, the existing forest resources have been repeatedly damaged, and the result has seriously affected soil and water conservation in some major river basins and the ecological balance of the entire country. Therefore, strengthening forestry construction and continuously restoring and expanding forest resources are not only the long-term plans for future generations, but also an impending imperative. In a quite long period of time, it is necessary to reduce the amount of logging and strictly prohibit deforestation so as to control the consumption of forest resources and at the same time strengthen the work of silviculture to ensure the recovery and growth of forest resources. In addition, it is also necessary to develop the comprehensive utilization of timber in order to produce more and better forest products with limited resources, provide various needs of the national economy and ease the present tense situation of supply.
A series of copper-cobalt oxides supported on nano-titanium dioxide were prepared for the reduction of nitric oxide with carbon monoxide and characterized using
近日的香港《太阳报》发表文章,指出西方影视作品正在掀起对华“文化冷战”。文章说,在西方的影视作品中,俄罗斯过去一直是对立面,尤 Recently, the Hong Kong “Sun” publ