Recently bought this “Symphony 2030” speakers, once opened, it was attracted by its appearance. It’s a 2.1 structure, but the two small speakers are color transparent and the same type as the APPLE (one can see the piston’s vibrating heart at a glance). Even more surprising is that it also has the same as the phone can change the shell, a total of three colors to choose from. Coupled with a beautiful subwoofer, hee hee, it really attracts MM Oh. The speaker’s connection is simple, bass unit connector on the use of lotus plugs for satellite satellites (that is, that can change color shell speakers). There are two sound card speaker cable - one is with the volume adjustment, one without. In short, can only be used on a root, which depends on your sound card and speaker who the quality is good. Sound card is good, do not use the volume adjustment, because of this