企业速写:1.“文曲星”电子字典是金远见的主打产品。该产品于1997、1998年连续两年荣获“全国同类产品销量和占有率第一名”。2.1999年10月通过 ISO9001质量体系审核。3.公司被北京市人事局列为接收应届毕业生不受进京指标限制的高新技术企业之一。
Corporate sketches: 1. “Wenquxing” electronic dictionary is the flagship product of the vision. The product in 1997 and 1998 for two consecutive years won the “national sales of similar products and the first”. 2.1999 in October passed the ISO9001 quality system audit. 3. The company was listed as one of the high-tech enterprises in Beijing by the Personnel Bureau of Beijing to receive fresh graduates from the Beijing-bound indicators.