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据各专县报告,不少村庄仍继承着旧社会佣人看田的习惯。全省统一后,虽然进行了村款统筹统支,但看田开支一般均以募集摊派的方法,加重了羣众的负担,像忻县解源村去年夏季雇村干七人按地亩摊派小米七四五斤,秋季雇民兵十二人又摊小米六、四八○斤,共七、二二五斤,每自然亩平均负担一斤半,占一九五○年地粮负担任务的百分之三十,此种现象新区更为严重普遍。省军区今年四月十五日发过民兵结合青壮年义务看田的民兵谨麦指示,汾阳专区七个县统计民兵结合羣众义务看田占村庄总数的百分之八十六,祁县的百分之七十,但雇人看田在不少地区仍然存在着,如祁县百分之十村庄雇佣巡田夫,百分之二十村庄名义上慰劳民兵,实质是变相的雇佣。为使群众劳动果实不被偷盗 According to the reports of various prefectures and counties, many villages still inherit the habit of seeing the fields by the old social servants. After the reunification of the province, although the village funds were integrated and unified, expenditure on the fields was generally raised by means of apportionment, which aggravated the burden on the masses. For example, Millet seventeen five pounds, autumn hire militia twelve people also share millet six, four eighty pounds, a total of seven, two five five jins, the average burden of natural acre of a pound a half, accounting for the task of the 1950 grain burden Thirty percent, this phenomenon is more serious new area. On April 15, this year, the militiamen sent military militiamen to look at the obligation of young adults to read instructions from the militiamen on the fields of Jin Mingshan. The militiamen in the seven counties of Fenyang prefecture, in combination with the masses’ obligations, considered the 86% However, employing more people to see the land still exists in many areas. For example, 10% of the villages in Qixian employ the patriarch and 20% of the villages nominally serve the militia. This is essentially a disguised employment. In order to ensure that the fruits of the masses are not stolen