总结经验 促进我国职业教育持续发展

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1978年,党的十一届三中全会作出了把工作重点转移到社会主义现代化建设上来的战略决策,标志着我国进入了改革开放的伟大历史时期。过去的30年,是我国经济社会发展取得重大历史成就的30年,是我国教育事业实现历史性跨越的30年,也是我国职业教育实现重大突破的30年。认真回顾总结30年来我国职业教育在邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观的指导下,改革发展所取得的历史性成就、基本经验,进一步明确今后一个时期职业教育的奋斗目标和工作思路,对于完成党的十七大提出的各项任务,实现职业教育又好又快地发展具有重要意义。12月18日,由教育部职业教育与成人教育司、中国职业技术教育学会、中华职业教育社、教育部职业技术教育中心研究所、北京市教育委员会共同主办的“纪念职业教育改革发展30年座谈会”在京召开。会上,来自教育部、中国职业技术教育学会、中华职教社、北京市教委以及部分职业院校的领导和专家学者,深情回顾了改革开放30年我国职业教育事业发展的历史性成就,总结了职业教育改革创新的丰富经验。本期《改革开放三十年》专栏将此次座谈会上的全部发言略加编整予以刊出,以飨读者。 In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party made the strategic decision of shifting the focus of its work to the socialist modernization drive, marking our country’s entry into the great historical period of reform and opening up. In the past 30 years, it has been 30 years for China’s economic and social development to make major historical achievements. It has been a historic 30 years for China’s education undertaking to realize its historic leaps and 30 years as a major breakthrough in China’s vocational education. We must conscientiously review and summarize the historic achievements and basic experience of reform and development made by our country’s vocational education under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents” and the scientific development concept in the past 30 years, and further clarify the struggle for vocational education in the coming period Goals and work ideas for the completion of the 17th CPC National Congress proposed tasks to achieve sound and rapid development of vocational education is of great significance. December 18, by the Ministry of Education Vocational Education and Adult Education Division, China Vocational and Technical Education Society, China Vocational Education, Vocational Education Center of the Ministry of Education Institute, Beijing Municipal Education Commission co-sponsored “commemorating the reform and development of vocational education 30 Year symposium ”held in Beijing. At the meeting, leaders and experts and scholars from the Ministry of Education, China Society of Vocational and Technical Education, China Vocational Education Society, Beijing Municipal Education Commission and some vocational colleges profoundly reviewed the historic achievements of China’s vocational education in the 30 years of reform and opening up, The rich experience of reform and innovation of vocational education. In this issue of “Thirty Years of Reform and Opening up”, all the speeches at the symposium were slightly edited to be published in order to readers.